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Operation InfeKtion: How Russia Perfected the Art of War | NYT Opinion

The New York Times

Russia’s meddling in the United States’ elections is not a hoax. It’s the culmination of Moscow’s decades-long campaign to tear the West apart. “Operation InfeKtion” reveals the ways in which one of the Soviets’ central tactics — the promulgation of lies about America — continues today, from Pizzagate to George Soros conspiracies. Meet the KGB spies who conceived this virus and the American truth squads who tried — and are still trying — to fight it. Countries from Pakistan to Brazil are now debating reality, and in Vladimir Putin’s greatest triumph, Americans are using Russia’s playbook against one another without the faintest clue.

Translations provided by Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: and by Gino Wang.

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31 thoughts on “Operation InfeKtion: How Russia Perfected the Art of War | NYT Opinion
  1. Maybe United states did not export HIV virus but I can tell you they have been giving the world type 2 diabetes by export there crappy junk food to us

  2. Who has the most military bases around the world? Who pours the most GDP into war? Who gave nazi scientists a safe haven after ww2? Let's remember that the United States are only the good guys in their own eyes.

  3. I guess it was Russian interference that claimed there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? No wait that is the US.
    I guess it was Russians starting "color revolutions" all over the world to oust legitimate governments? No wait that is the US.
    I guess it was Russia that was really running the "School of the Americas"? No wait that was the US.
    Etc etc etc

  4. If this is Russia’s Attempt at war it definitely failed. All the boards and disinformation did was make stupid people dumber. The majority of citizens are able to separate what’s true from what sounds true.

  5. Telefonlar və ya kompüterlər, sizə istənilən növ hack zamanı kömək edə biləcək çox yaxşı bir hacker tanıyıram. Arvad xəyanətini gizlətməkdə o qədər hamar idi ki, aylarla sübutum yox idi. Bəzi hackerlara müraciət etdim və ona bir cəhd verməyə qərar verdim .. nəticə inanılmaz idi, çünki bütün aldadıcı arvadımın mətn mesajları, e-poçtları, Facebook, Whatsapp, mətn mesajları, Viber, IG və hətta telefon danışıqları birbaşa mobil telefonuma qoşulurdu. Michael mənə gecə-gündüz bir monitorinq aparmaqda kömək etdi və qaçmalarına dair konkret dəlillər əldə etdim. Partnerinizin aldadıcı macərasını gizlətmək üçün bir mütəxəssis olduğunu düşünürsünüzsə, onunla whatsapp [+33 7 52 41 47 65] və ya Kelvin'in sizə müraciət etdiyini söyləyərək [] e-poçtu ilə əlaqə qura bilərsiniz. Allah qorusun. 🙂 🙂. 💪 📢 💪 💪.

  6. This documentary is the perfect example of disinformation. Anybody who has studied the work of yuri bezmenov and didn't just watch a small clip of him in this documentary knows that he actually talks about this type of publication and leftism.

  7. We need publicly-funded, nonprofit social networks. The profit motive is ultimately corrupting, because the CEOs of these companies do not care who gives them money. Also, we need an end to internet anonymity. I am a real person, and you can google me and find out who I am. Who is to say who all of these sock puppet accounts are? Anonymity was fun for a while, but it is now dangerous to society.

  8. 18:55 That timeout was too quick, and here's another awkward question: Does the fact that the U.S. has had myriad of investigations AFTER each of their (disinformation) campaigns make them more, or less sophisticated than the Russians?

    The solution for disinformation is truth. Truth, however, cannot be perceived by thinking in terms of opposites – us vs. them; good vs. bad. It's the same thinking that is exploited by each country to sow confusion and conflict in one another's homeland.

  9. Why did the video change when trying to move it back to catch things I missed??? This video is bullfhit anyway. I was in the Army, US Army, and my platoon, in Basic, was taken to an unused barracks and shown a film all about HIV, and then we were "injected" with a substance. HIV was created from SIV which is carried by chimps. A lab worker who happened to be a rainbow brite accidentally infected himself through a mishap. Then, he got scared and didn't report it. I guess the people that monitor the security cameras didn't report it either. One of those "happy" accidents that was taken advantage of. Why not seize the opportunity???

  10. Remember the millennium bug? A lie can travel the earth and find it's way back again before the truth can put it shoes on. Mark Twain. He did say it first though it was a pen name.

  11. Hahahahahahaha that's awesome a prime time show about finding out what is the Russian lie. Yo I'm booking a ticket to the Ukraine imma travel around eastern Europe and get on as many of those shows as possible.

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