Why can’t we explain how matter generates consciousness? Maybe because matter is just an icon that points to a deeper reality…
This is an excerpt from the full interview with Dr. Peter Attia that can be found here: https://zdoggmd.com/incident-report-218
And here is the full interview with Prof. Donald Hoffman the goes DEEP into this rabbit hole: https://zdoggmd.com/incident-report-266/
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Everything is consciousness that obeys to meterialist laws? So what's the difference between consciousness and mater?
is it just me or zdogg keep trying to say "STRANGE LOOP"? who are we to say conway's game of life isnt alive? also given a chaotic system with its multiple constituents, the unpredictability as perceived by human probably starts at the limit of our intuition.
You articulated Hoffman’s theory brilliantly.
We were in the easy phase…WELCOME TO THE MEDIUM PHASE!!! the hard phase will be total Extinction!!!! Nothing they do will stop it or slow it down or will cure it….make sure to watch the REAL numbers ..by the way governments wont be telling you the real numbers because you all will freak out…you all will see the countries states cities towns and so on become empty
I do hope the mind survives death and is superior to all material things, but would need proof.
Somehow I think this explains outer body experiences, deja vu, etc.
At times I felt I sort of kinda maybe got a little glimpse of something that I grasp fully at times when I wake up suddenly in the night but can never remember properly the next morning. But – is there a second part to this? For me it ends on "Who says you can't drink white Russians as liberally as in the Big Lebowski" … ?? in the meantime I am very grateful to the interviewer who says "Forgive me for not having a clue what you are talking about…" – made me feel less dim.
Wasn't there some biblical quote that said "you'd can't look into the Face of God and live"?
I've done deep dives into Hoffman's stuff – it's essentially a new stab at creationism. It's sad when religious scientists use their education to "work backwards" from their beliefs to build out theories and waste our time.
W O W !!
10:44 "Pain is eternal, suffering is optional" Does that actually mean anything? Word salad? Obfuscation as a form of entertainment?
Torture produces a specific reality that is designed to destroy the reality of the one being tortured. It is very effective. Gas lighting is a form of mental torture/persuasion. Etc. Consciousness is one of life's greatest mysteries, along with quantum reality. Combining these two mysteries, sounds more intelligent than it is. This is where I stopped viewing this conversation.
This version of reality has been explained by enlightened sages from ancient times to current times. The real and true reality can be experienced.
I see things an understanding of the concept of God.
I completely lost it at the end. The guy is obviously not a golfer.
You still have voices? Mine buggered off years ago because I kept arguing with them.
Isn't this a theory that mirrors what we've observed about matter? Smaller particles combining to form more complex systems? If you accept that the small particles have a conscious component it would explain a lot.
Woo woo shit
I believe that the closer we become to silence in our mind through meditation that we will become closer to our truth.
I’ve always wondered if those on drugs have seen real reality.
So many silly ideas that people are no longer able to reject out of hand because we’ve lost common sense.
Early in life, I aspired to be a physicist, so this stuff fascinates me. Through a convoluted series of my own choices and seemingly random events, I wound up a nurse. Not at all what I expected, but it has worked okay for me. I can't help but try to consider how to apply the concepts you discuss to healthcare, and while that's a stretch, it does seem to fit some ideas I have had through the years. I don't want to go all Deepok about it, but I have a strong feeling that prayers matter, and as an extension of that, that our expectations and our will can influence reality–that it matters whether we want Schrodinger's cat to live. I also feel like intuition has an important place in this as a function of the central and peripheral nervous systems that goes on largely outside awareness. I believe that's a lot of where the art of nursing (and medicine, too) occurs. But I think it's necessary to apply critical thinking to differentiate between "critical feeling," and magical thinking.
Beautiful to see you open this door Zdogg!
This is what Hindus and Buddhist have known for Millenia 🙂
Meditation reveals this in a replicable, experiential, immediate and clear manner.
For those who have courage to see it. (which your guest didn't).
I have been teaching and guiding towards the direct experience of the underlying universal consciousness for many years now.
Not a single person have reported that experience differently.
Are you hallucinating? Should stay away fryom that wacky weed.
Greg Braden has a lot of views if consciousness
Is there more of this interview with the one and only ATTIA?!?!
Why we all have that "what a small world" moment when we meet someone and find tons of connections?
I think I need to watch Donnie Darko again… And one else feeling that vibe?
So why don’t we just pretend the pandemic is not real and maybe it will go away… get back to reality and stop listening to crazy scientists… or maybe this message is a figment of your imagination😉
There are moments where I lose track of “reality”. These are fractional instants where there is a cacophony of perception that has not been rationalized into “reality”. This must be what a baby experiences when they are new born have not yet learned what all these sensory impacts mean.
This tells you how stupid people can be. He literally said if a species see reality for how it is the species goes extinct. So they spend an entire episode trying to make sense in order to see reality for how it is. Makes sense.
Social determinist and materialist still basically in agreement until one of them realises that the determinism is basically random and that we are psuedo random and can only emulate but that our psuedo randomness has as little in common with true randomness as the most complex and well organised
Digitally photograph anything in your conscious environment (another person, a pet, your car, your house). Create a copy of the photographic file and send that copy file to a talented artist friend elsewhere in the world. Ask them to transfer the photograph they received into a detailed drawing or painting. How is it that they will see and reproduce EXACTLY the same consciously-constructed image you yourself saw and photographed?
What if I told you that I could access the program and alter the reality?
There are few levels you can go down. Some can see it as it is but have no power to alter, others called wizards in the past could place small programs in the reality and do small modifications redirect or bend the course of actions. You`ll understand in 20-30 years what Im talking about.
Thank you ZDogg. This makes so much sense. An intellectual construct I've pondered for many years. P.S. I ordered Dr. H's book. Can't wait……..
Summary: Math tho'. (The irony is that math is the actual construct.)
what a load of bullshit..this is just a grant con..the world around us is very much solid, irregardless of the space between atoms and what we see are actual photons bouncing off real objects…dont listen to these grants and funds gatherers..
Your lighting needs some love. I’m a lighting designer… how can I help?
When you come closer to the camera, your face catches a virulent hotspot. When you lean back, shadow ensues quickly.
We end up witnessing a roller-coaster effect wherein your face oscillates between light and dark. Some videos are better than others.
Side note: color, white balance and depth (background lighting) are great. The single light point that’s entirely missing is a true backlight (top, over the shoulder light—which helps separate subject from background in 2D media).
Simple truths are the best because everyone can understand them. It is like music to my ears.
Somebody tell me how to block someone on YouTube
Can you fellers do me a favour? Too heavy. It’s 4am. I only came on YouTube to watch some dancing cats…
You’re gonna lose 98% of people from the get go when you bring up species specific perceptual consciousness and reality and ask people to go on a journey with you and actually think for themselves… I commend you on the attempt, and I enjoyed it thoroughly from you both! 🍻
Reminds me of something my electronics teacher asked us in trade school: "For all we know, we could just be little specks of shit on the bottom of a test tube somewhere."
Did I click on a Joe Rohan video by mistake? Sounds like a bunch of stoners to me.
You lost me with Big Bang, order is not created by a universe explosion.
I hope you and Peter talked for hours and you keep releasing more of your discussion with him every day for the next month 🙂