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32 thoughts on “Fractal reality, consciousness loops, inception, repeat
  1. holey moly moly, I love the way you think! Just found you from call 4 zero. Totally agree on many points, feels so right.

  2. Hello all! 🙂 …. GUESS what I got you won't guess!!! 😀 .. .. . a 2020 Electric scooter that is kickarse. 🙂 … FOR a price I could not turn down. Because my buddy does CHOPPERZ. …. … 😀 .. YES, we're pimping this beast Out.

  3. That used to be my story, but it has completely changed for me 12. My mind and body is on an entirely new level, and this can happen for you two. So my level now within the dream is on Rapid Eye Movement or RAM, so i am in Lucid random access. I now just as powerful and energetic un the day and night, but yes, this was not the case prior. We are stuck in body form for a reason, and it has 100% to do with our higher self taking care of their Human body. It wasn't until I got into excellent physical condition that I was bound as is many higher-self's. I am maximizing and on a very powerful level, and I want to personally encourage you, and all good intent minded entities. Good is much stronger than evil. The Matrix now obeys my will, to the point that resistence is low and success is very high. Enabling me to move freely within this illusion reality. The body and Spirit must synchronize here! It will be extremely difficult if a person does not take excellent care of their Host. (Body) We are stuck in form to teach us love and care. Many will come back over and over. Many will continue to not die or leave until they perform self love. The Devils failed to love their body and became wandering lost Spirits with no rest. The greatest lesson in life is to care for self first. If one cannot perform this, then one can not righteously love anyone or anything else. Inception is real, yes!

  4. Call4zero shared "March 29, 2021 Mark Sargent Interview ~ Flat Earth", on, his Youtube channel, a minute ago. And YES go list FOLKS ???? 🙂 .. … I disagree on the Jet Streams being a big issue Chick knows why because the maps are different "Projections". 🙂 …. LOOK at them with a clear mind? … WHICH map looks more clean put together the circular one? Or the goofy one whee you end up with SINE Waves near the polls ?

  5. Anyway that ROLM phone helped START UP Silicon Valley itself? Yeah? … 😀 …. And I'm going to make a network server box that does it. And then you can call me? And do the "Press 1 to leave a message for Shane. Otherwise remain on the line thank you." .. .. .. xD

  6. I finally put out a video with me in it. Its the only one I will do, but it was something that was needed for me to do, if I hadn't, I'd be totally losing my shyte altogether. If you want to hear a grown man talk truth while fighting back tears, take a look.

  7. There is definitely something to the whole night owl thing. If you think about the tilt of the earth wherever you are, you are furthest from the influence of the sun at around 3 am, I know its cheesy but it makes sense electro magnetically, again you are right on the vibe chick

  8. I finally found evidence of my new life. I ran an insurance price check on liberty mutual and it says I have claims from february 2017 may 2017 may 2018 september 2018 october 2018 and again in october 2018. That’s completely inaccurate. My life changed wildly in the spring of 2017 but I haven’t been in a crash since 2014 2013 2011 and 2008. All that shit from 2017 and 2018 is just dead wrong. I remember all this vividly because I was trying pretty hard to drive 5 years crash free and I got it done somehow no problem, at least in my memory. I also think those dates are sus because my dad passed in august of 2017 among me getting into all this newfangled trouble. I wasn’t even close to him then and if I was just getting into one bad situation after another I definitely would’ve been communicating with him a lot more at the time. I remember complaining a lot about my car in september and october of 2018 and I did file a proactive claim in may 2018 but that was literally it. It was just complaining. I didn’t file any kind of reports with insurance. This is just such bullshit and I don’t think it’s accurate at all. It’s also strange that all the claims were entered in when my life was just off the rocker crazy.

  9. Bismillah !!!! "It's just as much you as waking life". ….. :-X .. … .Chick, I KINDA hope not? … :-/ …. IF That's true I'm a son of a gun? Hun?

  10. And Bismilah I CAN'T watch that. I will take your word on it yeah. My parents are driving me nuts enough still Not understanding things !!!!!!!

  11. SH%T , I Just "watched" the craziest wizard sh%t , IN MY Mind !!!!! I couldn't even put it in videogame if I tried right. It'd'take the rest a me life yeah. ……. WTF , Chick , I wish I could just upload THAT hahahahah

  12. Related : F%ck those outfits UNLESS you really like em? LOL. … That single piece, plastic, thing, CANNOT be easy to put on. Let alone it's then? What? HAHAHAHA. Gotta come off? … 😀 … .. video – "Sam Kinison – Live in Vegas"

  13. I want to say this night time vs day time had huge effect on a lot people a round me all my life. My grandfather was the most impacted by this and his out word out look and acting changed as soon as the sun would go down.

    Ask him a question in the day time with sun out you would get a vary short answer on what ever you asked and with vary little opinion.
    Ask him a question at night then information would run out of him with opinions when I say run I'm not kidding all information he knew on the topic would come out.

    So yes people do act definite differently with day and night time.

    An that's it you can ignore the rest I understand are culture and I do have a wall of text for and question for at the end but it may be too long.

    Later on you describe life as the matrix like a video game. An to me it seams that is the narrative that the entertainment of this world gives out like candy. With the advent of Mandela effect finally having a name because I witnessed changes from a world that I no longer live in well before the name of it. for my self as far back as of 1989 when the Berlin wall fell. though the change is not shared with any one but my father's side grandmother and my own mother. An you would not believe even if I told you no one has even before the change since the information was out side normal means of getting it. That these changes with the mandela effect make it so the world does seam like a computer simulation. Yet I just do not trust Hollywood writers and every so often the C.I.A. shows up in rumors on how they have people influencing the writers.

    I watched how UFOs became more and more main stream how these people claim they where abducted then I watched over the years how the aliens would give these people messages like new age'y type of messages. then later on watched how men and woman that say they were getting abducted were having sex with aliens. I have to stop ask this one question on that did not the Christ from the bible say the end times that they would be like the time before the flood …..Right ? O right he did say that and in that time the sons of god saw the woman of men and laid down with them and produced giants men of renown. Then I'm sure you know rest of the story flood came and wiped out every one but Noah.

    Now DMT is the new thing and you know what people talk about how they are seeing some the same things as others while on the drug and they mostly call them Elves but they actually describe Grays from the UFO phenomenon . Now there is not a wide spread of story's out yet so I can not say if there saying the exact same thing like new age'y type stuff. Though I would not be in any shock if they said the exact same thing as the Grays.

    You know a collage professor lost his job over his research on the UFO gray's turns out all the reports of history of people claiming they saw Elves gnomes and dwarfs in the actually eye witnessed reports they described not the fantasy we know of but what sound exactly like grays for the UFOs fame. You what they always spouted on about new age'y type ideals as well.

    I bring all that up because of this the world ether by entertainment by normal means or by the crazy rumors seam to all suggest the same type of religion consistently now that is never in your face but always in the back ground.

    because of that I ask you this what if your gathering information from these sources like that movie 9 and inception thinking it is hidden to protect the world or whatever. When it could be your acting on information that placed there for you to think life is but a dream or a computer simulation?

    Even the buddha told his followers that meditation emptying your thoughts of what others have said to get your true self.

  14. You forgot to mention the damn "Bigfoot"s ??? And the werewolves as well. ^-^ … ~ Cheers , ~ "the" Rev, from Michigan ; … Search : "Vanishings of the Great Lakes Triangle" by Bedtime Stories.

  15. Yes where is "EL TROLLO" ??? … ;-D … I AM going to snuggle this warm looking Chick? .. 🙂 .. … TELL me I am a crazy person for saying such? 😀

  16. I like that analogy. The white light of consciousness is split into the colour frequency spectrum. The different colours of our self live in many different realms, right now. Inception has a scene where a group of older people spend most of their time asleep, because they prefer their dream world to 3D reality. I can relate to that. Horses can awaken the heart of the most bitter cynic. I am sensing a change of Aeons. Some won't make it to the next one, yet. Cheers.

  17. I get it that folks are waking up to the falsehoods of this realm, but the only truth that we have is Yeshua (Jesus Christ). We cannot intellectually save ourselves.

  18. Great video, thank you. I watched The Nines after Matt recommended it and there's some good stuff in it. It was free on amazon prime last weekend.

  19. Our consciousness is mapped on to the Universe at the moment of Inception as a unique node on the xyz, time stamp Akashic blockchain.

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