Consciousness Videos

A Final Destination: The Human Universe, Deepak Chopra


In this session Deepak Chopra discusses the seven universes that human beings have devised to explain existence, leading to the conclusion that the cosmos has evolved to reflect human evolution. This is not a philosophical observation but a “must be so” when it comes to such baffling dilemmas as the origin of life and the appearance of consciousness. The seven universes reflect human perceptions about reality itself. They are; Divine, Classical, Relativistic, Quantum, Uncertain, Conscious and finally, Human. The Human Universe, which is based on the undeniable fact that any universe is only knowable through the human mind’s ability to think about reality. If all knowledge is rooted in human consciousness, perhaps we are viewing not the real universe but a selective one based on the limitations of the brain. This last proposition leads to the conclusion that the apparent evolution of the cosmos since the Big Bang has been parallel to, and totally dependent upon, human
consciousness. We are the conscious agents who create reality in our own image. Although totally contradictory to physicalism, the Human Universe may be completely necessary if we have any
hope of solving the remaining Big Questions concerning the inexplicable emergence of life and conscious beings in a cosmos that has no necessity to produce either.

Deepak Chopra M.D., F.A.C.P., Founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing . Deepak Chopra, M.D is the author of more than 70 books, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His medical training is in internal medicine and endocrinology, and he is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and an adjunct professor of Executive Programs at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University Columbia Business School, adjunct professor at Columbia Business School, Columbia University, and a Senior Scientist at the Gallup organization. For more than a decade, he has participated as a lecturer at the Update in Internal Medicine, an annual event sponsored by Harvard Medical School’s Department of Continuing Education and the Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical


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25 thoughts on “A Final Destination: The Human Universe, Deepak Chopra
  1. I thought this was above my head but after reading such spiteful hateful and venomousness comments I see their are a lot of ppl out there more ignorant than I. Guess I see them as "how not to be".

  2. Vedanta's core teaching is non-duality. Five thousand years back all these new findings were explained by Vedas & Upanishads but the western scientists didn't want to give credit to it. Now, Quantum Physics exposed them because a pumpkin can't be hidden in a plate of rice. Deepak is awesome and he is a great bridge between modern science & spirituality.

  3. It was well put together. We forget that human construct is an illusion and enjoy the play. I like the Yogacara School of Thoughts.

  4. I think the issue of panpsychism is the idea that our consciousness is the same as the higher consciousness that created everything. We aren't God, we have aspects of the divine, there's a difference.

  5. This guy really is amazing
    He can talk for an hour and still not say anything useful at all…

    I prepare for hours and struggle to speak for a few minutes on stage…

    Deepak is the God of snake oil salesmen….

  6. Chopra is great. As with all the individuals that have been on the cutting-edge of the thought, his ideas cannot be understood by many people. And since these people have nothing better to do with their lives, they hate. What a wonderful opportunity missed for them.
    Great talk. Thank you Chopra for sharing the expansion of the human mind with such generosity despite the negativity.

  7. The Universe was created way before your own galaxy existed, you have to be more opened minded than this, to see way more and beyond our conciseness. So that is way we can not be our own Universe

  8. Very nice video confirmed everything that I learned through the many phenomena of nature. I carefully concluded and accepted after well beyond 3 decades experiencing our world and my own consciousness and reading tons of studies in roughly most fields of sciences that there are actually several layers of dimensions of awareness, there where the light of consciousness does reach. The rest we, all aware beings meaning even from other dimensions are simply not aware of and thus not yet experienced.

    As a young child, i wanted to find God and ask him who I am and what the whole purpose was. I always marveled at those great spiritual stories of old but always felt incomplete due to the state our world was in and still is. There was a special moment in my life, now around 7 years ago, that I eventually found myself after accepting my deepest fear and at the same time, i felt relieved and reconnected to the source of which all life comes from and felt connected to all life, including you. Inevitably I got overwhelmed by the inherent unconditional love of that source and felt somewhat surprised of my mutual love for our Creator. At that moment I felt the vastness of the total world briefly from a Creator's perspective including all life and its only sacred mission.

    This sacred mission which is nothing more than celebrating existence through adventure, growth and not being alone (all one) and the best way to negate all that is to have an adventure with a vast family which you love unconditionally and vice versa rather then doing that all alone which is EXCITING which is at the same time addicting and challenges you to overcome new obstacles which is the same time food for thought and thus experience which stimulates growth. Now our dimension is nothing more than a new dungeon to grow into, an unexplored and relatively still new maze at the edge of the void. The void is another term of that what is not imagined yet by our Creator because it did not experience it yet which is being done by us, the army of light. Now the only way to explore something that is on the edge of consciousness if by experiencing that dimension which is done by you, me and everything that is alive in this dimensions the Universe. When we die, our soul experienced and take the data back to the mainframe which is the Creator. Now one thing is important to know, you have total free will after you die also there is no ego other than only you and your unconditional love that works on sincerity and honesty alone. What you do in this life DOES have effects on your state of being in the after life. Until you can forgive yourself in all honesty after understanding what you did, you obtain free will again because you made peace with yourself and thus can pick a life soothing your sincerest needs.

    Although that said, about free will, the closer you get to the source, the Creator where we all are born from the more sincere you must become. Meaning the closer you get to the Creator, the higher the frequency and thus heavy things that are not in tune/harmony that your soul is attached on you must let go otherwise you simply cannot go back due to your own love for the Creator, our sacred cause mentioned earlier before and yourself.

    To come Home and you are aware that your dearest mother just finished the floor cleaning and provided it is customary that your shoos are taken off before entering the house because it is filthy, You will not enter the house with dirty shoes and if you can't put them off yet you won't go home yet and in order to do that, you need to restore your own harmony within because that is the way how it works there. Not by rule, but by sincere feelings for yourself, the Creator and our mission we all nourish deeply since………….. forever. If not? We would not exist and destablize all of creation which can't even be done due to our nature of being a part of God or prefer to call our holy parent, the Creator.

    O well…just wanted to share some insight into a world behind this world. It made me feel at peace and not afraid of death and reconnected me with all that We are. Let us gather the courage to grow beyond the edges of the unknown and someday we go back Home and tell all about the experiences we have had here to grow beyond even this dimension and travel through a black hole once our mutual source of consciousness is ready to grow even beyond that.

  9. I don't think Deepak is a charlatan or has any bad intentions. I think he's just sharing his philosophy. I think he has good points, but don't really agree with the statement that the universe is a human construct. We know the universe was here before humans evolved.

    Just look at the dark side of the moon for example, no one saw it till NASA astronoughts went behind the moon in the 60s, and it has craters, which have been hitting the moon for millions of years before humans existed. Our experience of the universe is subjective, but not the universe itself.

  10. Dear Deeppak Chopra, I would like to offer you a different approach to your philosophy concerning who you are and what makes you what you until you reach the ability in your own heart and mind to govern your destiny. We possibly both believe we were placed on this earth by the plan of God through the procreation of our parents, that can mean parents deeply in love bringing forth a plan to have a child or children, these children can be born with maybe parents not greatly suited in marriage and those deeply in love in marriage therefore different children possesses different characteristics. (. just like in the case of Hitler unloved violently by his father.)

    . Adam and Eve originally possessed a purer mind than ours since their fall we have all inherited what is called a fallen nature which has the natural deposition to do negative instead of positives things generally. The play in the interchange in the new birth of the mind comes into play as the Holy Spirit of God is always trying to woo people back to himself, Christ who said if I am lifted up on the cross for sins of all mankind I will draw men ladies boys girls unto my self. Jesus called this the new birth experience, meaning giving up on your egotistical self-preservation and relying on the lord as you then cooperate with him for the rest of your life to follow him denying your selfish ambitions and living for the Lord. Jesus said that in losing your life in this world you will have in the next, taking your cross daily and walking with him who is the center of the entire cosmos he is the (alpha and omega) not us as your philosophy tries to propose. The Lord Jesus is the beginning and the end the first and the last, behold he comes with his rewards for those who followed him in this life. See the book of the bible the book of revelation. kind regards check my work on google. Boris Dobra.

  11. When a frog in a ocean explains the vastness of ocean to a frog in a pond , Then that frog in a pond make an imagination according to the size of that pond.
    Many people are in that category.Vedhantha explains universe and cosmos.Saiva Siddhantha explains How to experince that through our body.
    Adiyogi Siva, Given many ways to experince "That which is not".
    And Then he gave this knowledege to 7 sages called saptha rishis and they went around the world and tought how to experince "That which is not" and became, Abrahamic religions, Samanism, Sufism,Judasm,Zauratritism, Toasim, ..etc..etc..
    But Any number of methods to experince That which is not , which is available in the world is available in full within the India from north to south.
    There are three type of categery in this field.
    1) People who understand it by analyse ,and they know what it is..but never experinced it.
    2) People who have experienced it accidently one or few time by an accident or an incident and they know experiencialy what it is.
    3)People who have experieced it, But at will they are in control to experiece it anytime they want.These are the enlightment masters.
    There are Millions of Categery 2 in all around the world.
    But catergy 3 is available only around 1% Around the world and 99 % of them only within the land of india.

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