
A.I. Artificial Intelligence – Horror – Recut Trailer

Alex Choudhary

Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg’s futuristic fairytale “Artificial Intelligence” re-imagined as an Omen-like thriller complete with migraine-inducing bangs and screams. I really love this film, and I thought it would be fun to try and make it a little bit scarier. If you have a decent pair of headphones, this should sound better through those!

The music was spliced together using two pieces by Audiomachine (Impending Death and The Chamber) with a whole lot of other stuff thrown in for extra bang-whoosh-y-ness. If you want to hear an isolated track of just the music and sound effects, follow the link below:


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5 thoughts on “A.I. Artificial Intelligence – Horror – Recut Trailer
  1. watching this right now, i had come back and see this trailer. if only it was a horror movie, it'd be a lot more interesting. the movie is good but this trailer is great.

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