
A.I. artificial intelligence soundtrack : the reunion


A.I. artificial intelligence soundtrack : the reunion
John Williams


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7 thoughts on “A.I. artificial intelligence soundtrack : the reunion
  1. AI is the most BEAUTIFUL film I have ever seen. I LOVE HJO so much. This is the only I have ever seen that makes me cry at the end. This film is even better that Gladiator, one of my all time top favorite films ever. This film is so under rated, it's hard to belive. The music is beautiful and the whole film is a master peace. Avatar is CRAP, AI is 100 times better than Avatar. I hope no one ever re makes this fine classic film. I don't usually cry at films, but this one makes me blub like a baby. HJO is a FINE actor. Breaden Lemasters is also a good actor.

  2. I am going to shock you all. This Ending, Lovely and Beautiful and Tearful…was Stanley Kubrick's Ending. YEP! IT was always already written by Kubrick and Spielberg used it..and got the blame..from Critics and Audiences …Too Sweet…When it was 100% Stanley's idea…and This ending was edited into John Williams score…

  3. Verdaderamente sorprendente como el ingenio humano rebasa barreras de tiempo y espacio, incluso genera envía en entidades superiores…. característica humana, buscar la esencia de la vida y la manera de expresarla a través de la música, pintura, baile, emociones, creaciones.

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