
A Mercury Hammer and the Third Law of Thermodynamics

The Royal Institution

Armed with a hammer made from mercury, Olympia Brown explains the third law of thermodynamics.
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This video is from our 2016 advent calendar. Watch the full series here:

Special thanks to Dave Porter, Jemma Naumann and Joe Burton for their scientific wisdom, and help setting up this demo.

Mercury is beautiful. It’s the only metal that’s a liquid at room temperature and pressure. In its liquid state the atoms have enough thermal energy to overcome the rigid metallic bonds that confine most metals to solids at room temperature.

The third law of thermodynamics links temperature and entropy. Olympia Brown explores this relationship, freezing mercury into its less-familiar solid state to make a tiny hammer.

Our 2016 advent calendar explores the four laws of thermodynamics with a new short film each day, with explosive demonstrations, unique animations, and even a musical number. Open the calendar at

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35 thoughts on “A Mercury Hammer and the Third Law of Thermodynamics
  1. This is interesting,  Olympia is a good presenter, making knowledge sound attractive. But if mercury needs to cool or freez to become solid how does it become solid when used as fillings in our mouth. And if it gives off vapour will we older generation that have some fillings go crazy eventually like the mad hatters that used this substance when making hats.

  2. Mercury is the only elemental metal that is liquid at room temp. and pressure, but there are eutectic alloys such as galinstan that are also liquid at room temperature.

  3. I did not get this. On one hand you mention that mercury has enough thermal energy at room temprature to overcome the rigid metallic bonds which is why its a liquid. on the other hand you mention that as we reduce the temprature, the entropy also reduces which is why it turns into a solid. Isnt it as we reduce the temprature by reducing the thermal energy, the rigid metallic bonds make it a solid? If there are no bonds, like a nobel gas, will it still become a solid when cooled?? wait.. is there solid helium?

  4. I would really like to know about mercury as a "solvent". I know it dissolves some metals to form amalgams such as sodium and potassium and even gold to a degree enough to stain it. I was wondering if it can do this to all metals given that the temperature is right and there are no oxide layers present. Thanks!

  5. YouTube is full of videos about mercury, and none of them say a word about how dangerous this stuff is, both for you and for the environment 🙁

  6. If entropy is related to temperature. How does it relate to say, electrons. And the idea that eventually the universe will reach a state of zero/1 entropy? I venture to guess this is ultimately related to energy, for instance contained in the strong/weak forces?
    Guess I'll have to follow Seth Lloyd's course on entropy one day.

  7. On tv atm: They are sure banging on about Rockefeller's teminology 'fossil' fuels created for pure profit so people believe they are rare and worth the high price we pay for them. Seems a psyop to me, brainwashing our kids from youth as usual.

    Billionaire family Rockefeller invented the word 'Fossil fuels' for the very purpose of charging people a fortune. The fact is, a tapped oil well (for example) WILL over time fill back up natrually again.

    Even the tv is trying to sell us this crap. They try to blind kids with basic cheap science by making it out to be more expensive than it actually is. This is so that when they are paying bills as the consumer they don't question the cost. True you know.

    What they should be telling kids is of government complete and utter refusal and failure to go completely solar, wind and hydro because they would lose profit and the likes of the Rockefellers would lose cash for their familys .

    How about telling the audience the government are destroying oour planet when there are better options available?

    I find it an embarrassment they are talking about solar energy like they did on tv programs 50 years ago! Government don't want solar, hydro and wind! Its too cheap to produce and devices would come out that the public can buy that would be off-grid! Electricity companys profits would tumble! USE YOUR BRAINS! We are bombarded by sunlight! tons of win, tons of flowing rivers!

  8. I hate how scientist think there smart then something happens that they don't understand so they say oh that's not possible also global warming is fake it was used to make ? money the earth ? isn't flat if it was you would be able to see across the world #HeavenIs4Real

  9. While I am normally very interested in anything physics or engineering related, I just couldn't help but noticing how hot Olympia is. It could be due to the fact that I've had a couple of pints, who knows. All sexism notions aside, she is still super hot.

  10. 2:16 "It's just not possible to completely remove all the thermal energy from within a substance"

    You've clearly never been to Leeds in February.

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