Consciousness Videos

A Mindful Nation with Congressman Tim Ryan

Hay House

Both inspiring and pragmatic, A Mindful Nation shows how the benefits of mindfulness apply to the current challenges that affect each of us in our own lives and in our communities, and thus have implications for our society as a whole. With a hard-nosed understanding of politics, government budgets, and what it takes to get something done, Congressman Tim Ryan connects a practical approach—lead with the science, show the savings and show how this can help us educate our children to be competitive in the world arena—with a hopeful vision for how mindfulness can reinvigorate our core American values and transform and revitalize our communities.


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20 thoughts on “A Mindful Nation with Congressman Tim Ryan
  1. This is the type of conversation I would like to hear from a president. Tim Ryan has caught my attention. He seem authentic and caring. He seems to look for solutions for all the people.

  2. obviously whomever talks crap on Tim Ryan isn't one of his constituents..I am..Tim is of the best thing to happen in the Mahoning Valley..

  3. Yea, get to know Tim Ryan, a congressman from Ohio.   Know that Tim Ryan is another freeloader who has never done an honest day's work in his life.    He is a chosen pol of the democrat party in NE Ohio which is the most crooked party in the state.    He is a clown who does nothing but expect accolades sort of like the ex Governor of Ohio who is now going to run for senate trying to unseat a senator who has really helped the state out of the quagmire said former governor put them in.   BTW, his name is Ted Strickland and he is a bozo just like Ryan!

  4. First of all, I like Tim Ryan,
    Positively watching the video, how come almost ALL kids practicing there, are Black.
    white kids don't need that?

  5. At least we have one congressman who is seeing what's not right and talking about it. Others just sell their voters souls for fame and riches and never give back anything in return to the country

  6. This is in fact an excellent manifesto for positive change in all parts of society. More and more studies are showing that mindfulness naturally promotes healing transformation and self autonomy.

  7. Excellent commentary Congressman Ryan. And the practice of mindfulness is absolutely essential for our personal and social well being, and creative action in the world Thank

  8. Mindfulness IS useful, as a concentration method and a method of transforming your consciousness, for bringing peace to yourself and to others. Thanks to the Zen master abs peace activist Thich Nhat Hahn ("Tik Not Hän"), and others, it has slowly become more and more popular over the decades since the 1960s. My sister, a master of psychotherapy, used it in her practice with youths. I use it to calm myself and reduce stress and pain. I am very excited to see this way of peace becoming mainstrea

  9. I love U 2 and I have learned so much from your story and your books. That today I want to thank you from deep deep deep. My inner child is happy and so am I. Tank you .Gracias Louise and may God keep blessing you.

  10. Mindfulness can be exploited to become mind control. Be wary of politicians (typically psychopaths) touting ways for raising peoples' awareness. Mindfulness is meditation. Meditation can easily be done in solitude without the specter of a government school regimenting kids to do it without their parents' and their own consent.

  11. How to be happy when voting for Obama? 😀

    I have bad feeling every time some policy is dictated from Washington, even if it's secular version of Buddhism, Christianity or Kaballah.

    Wanna have happy kids and population? Allow charter schools to introduce competition in to education and lower taxes (cut spending) so parents can spend more time with their kids, which is THE CORE of Dr. Dan Siegel message (the book is based on his research and ideas).

  12. Thank you for this – so wish all in your position had this viewpoint; so needed. Perhaps something crazy and subversive like world peace would ensure. !

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