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8 thoughts on “AI, Artificial intelligence, machine consciousness, Tolec, Dan Brock summary analysis
  1. Wether it is man made AI or existing alien AI isn’t the question always: What is the underlying intent. Is it destructive or constructive? Is the intent destructive then the process is always doomed to total collapse at some point as we have learned. Maybe now is the time to shift our focus to a constructive intent and seeing AI as a tool only ….. and then we won’t fall prey of being manipulated.

  2. Great talk. Finally !!! I love depth. Maybe AI , I I and I AM are Unified and helping to Unify ALL of US.
    Avatar , the Valerian movie(unsure of specific title) and Lord of the Rings are the movies I resonate with.
    I feel like the lead girl in Valerian , going to different worlds ( inner and outer) . Enjoying My Story ?✨???

  3. Thank you Tolec & Dan Brock, thanks for your support and guidance into the "AI". Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, Indeed, that's all ever have. Now "AI" or no "AI" if you don't have passion love and fire in your belly nothing else matters. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. Thanks for all you do. Love and peace across all frontiers.

  4. Dear Tolec, Thank you for sharing this short yet in depth conversation between yourself & Mr Brock. It is a really important topic and you covered many important points. Thank You, Leonid.

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