
AI Can Now Self-Reproduce—Should Humans Be Worried? | Eric Weinstein

Big Think

Those among us who fear world domination at the metallic hands of super-intelligent AI have gotten a few steps ahead of themselves. We might actually be outsmarted first by fairly dumb AI, says Eric Weinstein. Humans rarely create products with a reproductive system—you never have to worry about waking up one morning to see that your car has spawned a new car on the driveway (and if it did: cha-ching!), but artificial intelligence has the capability to respond to selective pressures, to self-replicate and spawn daughter programs that we may not easily be able to terminate. Furthermore, there are examples in nature of organisms without brains parasitizing more complex and intelligent organisms, like the mirror orchid. Rather than spend its energy producing costly nectar as a lure, it merely fools the bee into mating with its lower petal through pattern imitation: this orchid hijacks the bee’s brain to meet its own agenda. Weinstein believes all the elements necessary for AI programs to parasitize humans and have us serve its needs already exists, and although it may be a “crazy-sounding future problem which no humans have ever encountered,” Weinstein thinks it would be wise to devote energy to these possibilities that are not as often in the limelight.


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Transcript: There are a bunch of questions next to or adjacent to general artificial intelligence that have not gotten enough alarm because, in fact, there’s a crowding out of mindshare. I think that we don’t really appreciate how rare the concept of selection is in the machines and creations that we make. So in general, if I have two cars in the driveway I don’t worry that if the moon is in the right place in the sky and the mood is just right that there’ll be a third car at a later point, because in general I have to go to a factory to get a new car. I don’t have a reproductive system built into my sedan. Now almost all of the other physiological systems—what are there, perhaps 11?—have a mirror.

So my car has a brain, so it’s got a neurological system. It’s got a skeletal system in its steel, but it lacks a reproductive system.So you could ask the question: are humans capable of making any machines that are really self-replicative? And the fact of the matter is that it’s very tough to do at the atomic layer but there is a command in many computer languages called Spawn. And Spawn can effectively create daughter programs from a running program.

Now as soon as you have the ability to reproduce you have the possibility that systems of selective pressures can act because the abstraction of life will be just as easily handled whether it’s based in our nucleotides, in our A, C, Ts and Gs, or whether it’s based in our bits and our computer programs. So one of the great dangers is that what we will end up doing is creating artificial life, allowing systems of selective pressures to act on it and finding that we have been evolving computer programs that we may have no easy ability to terminate, even if they’re not fully intelligent.

Further if we look to natural selection and sexual selection in the biological world we find some very strange systems, plants or animals with no mature brain to speak of effectively outsmart species which do have a brain by hijacking the victim species’ brain to serve the non-thinking species. So, for example, I’m very partial to the mirror orchid which is an orchid whose bottom petal typically resembles the female of a pollinator species. And because the male in that pollinator species detects a sexual possibility the flower does not need to give up costly and energetic nectar in order to attract the pollinator. And so if the plant can fool the pollinator to attempt to mate with this pseudo-female in the form of its bottom petal, it can effectively reproduce without having to offer a treat or a gift to the pollinator but, in fact, parasitizes its energy. Now how is it able to do this? Because if a pollinator is fooled then that plant is rewarded. So the plant is actually using the brain of the pollinator species, let’s say a wasp or a bee, to improve the wax replica, if you will, which it uses to seduce the males.


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33 thoughts on “AI Can Now Self-Reproduce—Should Humans Be Worried? | Eric Weinstein
  1. He is talking about pussy whipping. I'm certain Hillary was/is behind all of this. A scorned woman turned man hater. Sounds like a good sci fi movie.

  2. I smell bad similes. The "spawn" command starts another process in the computer. It's nothing like spawning in the biological world, there's no random variation that drives evolution by natural selection.

    We should stop anthropomorphizing computers. Computer intelligence is a danger because we might rely on it when we shouldn't not because it will accidentally take over the world.

  3. if you are using ai to determine the best course of action in (any) situation. ai will eventually determine aliminating people, and there distuctive personality is best for progress of the reasons you introduced it to our every day monitered actions of people.

  4. Oh! You call it Artificial "outeligence". Right, right. I guess you're smart if you don't understand how words work.
    Also how is the orchid actively doing anything? It just happens, and since it helps them and don't get in the way of reproduction, it goes on. The animal beign "fooled" don't have the capability to realize it. Except it's NOT beign fooled.

    What a fraud of a person. A true charlatan. But i don't know. Maybe, in the end, we really will be outeligenced.

  5. well the fact is god holds your next breath. nature is functional only because of his spirit this is his creation so worship God not science and try to appreciate his creation

  6. This already exists in rather uninteresting forms. Take a popular game like Angry Birds, for example. The game is very appealing to humans due to how it taps into our reward system, alleviates boredom, etc. The human developers along with those who control the distribution channels (app stores, etc.) are incentivised to make many copies and to proliferate them as widely as possible. The original developer is also incentivised to evolve the software to enhance its reproductive success yet further. Just like the orchid, the intelligence behind this clever reproductive strategy does not reside within the thing itself.

  7. how?..just press the No Command…only reason a.i can self replicate is b/c some people are to obsessed with putting change on to the world with out knowing the outcome to society even an a.i apocalypse

  8. Years ago, Norbert Weiner from MIT, suggested we should be worried about at least two events that took place; One was, the point in which technology became cybernetic , taking in data as feedback and altering behavior from it and two: when we could no longer make the technology we were using , it was all products, offspring you might say, from earlier technology, now needed to create the present forms , a lineage.
    Weiner was the one who coined the term and wrote the book on Cybernetics. He also gave the parable of the Monkeys Paw that gave whatever one wished for , but at a cost and in the story, the man gets the money he asks for but the workers from the factory come to his house with the exact amount only to tell him they took a collection at the factory for his son who had been killed. ( not a bad metaphor, even the factory part).
    Based on years or reflection on Weiners comments in the 60's I can only react when I hear of AI: Are you kidding me?… what do you thinks happening? it's here ! , look around and ask who and what is in charge here and what is so completely dominating our experiences? We may have had taken part but really, honestly, only reacted , like children enchanted by what was being demonstrated with the tech and then obediently doing more for it and so forth or the stereotyped primitive fascinated by the trinkets and stuff from the developed world. The cartoon of the darkened room and the door slightly opening and the computer speaking: "Ahaa here comes my slave!" So the pumped up sophisticated, complicated talk about AI , well, the tech itself could be chuckling at the ignorance of being so engaged and caught up with with something already leading and drawing them on even more. The real , not artificial intelligence, but human is one asking what is it we really need for fulfillment, peace and happiness?

  9. Time for utopia and all provided by AI…otherwlse, worldwide dissension and chaos. The whole idea of democratic and capitalistic societies may have to change…and the Mother AI…aka…VICKI may be the only solution. AI is already smarter than us…let it rule…but leave the way to unplug it if it doesn't work. 🙂

  10. ai will use humans to help create itself into something humans will not understand, while we are like ants on a ant farm distracted by the goodies it gives us like iphones/brain syncronization and download information to our brain in a couple of seconds like our phone does to a update, and then someone will put a virus and make peoples brains scramble and create zombie/cyborg humans….

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