
AI Learning Morphology and Movement…at the Same Time!

Two Minute Papers

The paper “Reinforcement Learning for Improving Agent Design” is available here:

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29 thoughts on “AI Learning Morphology and Movement…at the Same Time!
  1. I'm wondering. In real biology, powerful or large features require more resources (as in food energy) to grow and maintain.

    For example, humans never evolved the strength to break rocks or bend steel because the cost/benefit ratio of having such strength didn't allow for it. It would be a lot harder to take in enough food energy to maintain that kind of strength and it wasn't important enough for our survival. Sure we could have survived better with it, but we survive well enough without it to not have needed to go any further. We evolved our brains instead.

    Has anyone done an experiment like this where that mechanic was simulated? Having virtual "food" that the organism must consume to maintain energy levels, and larger or stronger body parts requiring more energy to maintain?

  2. You walk with your brother.Suddenly,you encounter a troll who has captured an innocent person.
    He agree to let him go if you say something true.But before you can say anything,he capture your brother.And say" I will only free your brother if you say something false.You have only one affirmation to do,five word,and if what you're saying result in an unsolvable paradox who make me lie no matter what I do,I will eat everyone. "

    What do you say?

  3. 13th and 14th monthly salary. Yeah, that's definitely Austria. 😉
    I've done my master's with neural networks 10-15 years ago. There was a bit of a hype back then that was lacking a little in results. But with the increase of computing power in the last decade it's amazing to see how much has changed and how many real world applications are used nowadays.

  4. Interesting that they're trying to teach an algorithm to complete a scenario only once, and then constrain its design to operate more the way they'd expect it to.

    In reality, we learn things to make them trivial in repetition. It makes no sense to cheat for a learning algorithm's sake unless the designer is incompetent.

    Forcing it to complete a minimum of 2 timed heats under the conditions that 1. the 2nd heat begins with the agent in the same orientation at its ((completion or time expiration) and physics rest) of the previous heat, 2. with the agent payload centered at the starting line, and 3. that the AI should have a rule with a bias towards creating agents that can successfully earn points in both heats, would cause every "falling giant" version to fail even without constraints. This would be a more accurate representation of a useful reality than a single sprint.

  5. I'm using this technique to calibrate my trading bot. The price movement is like a terrain and the goal is to get to the end with as much profit as possible while minimizing the number of losing trades. I'm quite surprised to find it works so well, when re-calibrated often to suit the new market conditions. it re-combines about 8 parameters in hundreds of thousands of combinations to find what method would produce a good chance of making gains. But now I want to test how often it should calibrate and this means I need to run a simulation that runs a simulation . . .

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