Future of Life Institute
Allan Dafoe discusses the space of AI governance.
The Beneficial AGI 2019 Conference:
After our Puerto Rico AI conference in 2015 and our Asilomar Beneficial AI conference in 2017, we returned to Puerto Rico at the start of 2019 to talk about Beneficial AGI. We couldn’t be more excited to see all of the groups, organizations, conferences and workshops that have cropped up in the last few years to ensure that AI today and in the near future will be safe and beneficial. And so we now wanted to look further ahead to artificial general intelligence (AGI), the classic goal of AI research, which promises tremendous transformation in society. Beyond mitigating risks, we want to explore how we can design AGI to help us create the best future for humanity.
We again brought together an amazing group of AI researchers from academia and industry, as well as thought leaders in economics, law, policy, ethics, and philosophy for five days dedicated to beneficial AI. We hosted a two-day technical workshop to look more deeply at how we can create beneficial AGI, and we followed that with a 2.5-day conference, in which people from a broader AI background considered the opportunities and challenges related to the future of AGI and steps we can take today to move toward an even better future.
Nobody will control the AI at some point. It will control all of you
The Beneficial AGI 2019 Conference: https://futureoflife.org/beneficial-agi-2019/
(Link in video description was broken)
A great talk!
The link in the video description seems to be broken though.
what a lovely thrashtalker from one of the hordes of these new evolutionary-animalistic World-saving "Institutes" (focused 100% on their own survival and nothing else — thus not even trying to solve anything but only talk about it endlessly and suck some millions from civilization). Reality check: imagine similar parasites at the beginning of e.g. era of electricity (actually, there were such creature, usually religious conservatives etc.). Their predeccessors, medieval monks, spent hundreds of years vigorously debating the essential problems like how many angels fit on a needletip… so, please, do my favourite idiotism: FRIENDLY AI.
Supposedly more women are less supportive of AGI, why do I not believe this results for some reason?