You read the book, that's good… me too. For those who didn't: read something else.
Lol, brilliant
the origin of handshaking is checking the other person wrist (sleeve) for hidden weapons, daggers etc. not arm-wrestling, so 100 years ago everyone sat down and arm wrestled each other when they met? yeah i remember that era…
Your reply makes no sense, i said handshaking came from checking someones wrist (sleeve (eg. clothed) for weaponry, and you think its when people used 3ft long clubs?
what is his books about?
thanks for your reply; an other question:
I am interested in Body language, it is kind of a hobby to me, it fasinates me how human beings comunicate with a laguange so complex that most of us dont really comprehend yet we do read it "emotionally speaking"
the books that you have read, is it just about understanding the body-language or has more depth than that? (business, confidence or self-believe for example)
gr8 thanks, I'll have a look
seems like a clever guy, probably has some valuable stuff to say
the guy the camera was on got it instantly. nice.
The bold guy either is very intelligent cause he didn't fell for it, or either experimented the same joke in the past.
to learn boy language in full go to my site evolutionofbodylanguage(dot)com I think it covers everything or if you have a questions not answer just ask me ill try find out and also the physical attractions for men and women and why they attract.
Allan Pease is cool : )
I saw Allan back in 2009. He's genius.
haha classic!
Excellent tip for all BUT especially younger people..
Just reading about Pease and Pease's work on Body Language and watching their YouTubes to see what is relevant to new teachers for inclusion in a MESHGuide on Behaviour Management
You read the book, that's good… me too. For those who didn't: read something else.
Lol, brilliant
the origin of handshaking is checking the other person wrist (sleeve) for hidden weapons, daggers etc. not arm-wrestling, so 100 years ago everyone sat down and arm wrestled each other when they met? yeah i remember that era…
Your reply makes no sense, i said handshaking came from checking someones wrist (sleeve (eg. clothed) for weaponry, and you think its when people used 3ft long clubs?
what is his books about?
thanks for your reply; an other question:
I am interested in Body language, it is kind of a hobby to me, it fasinates me how human beings comunicate with a laguange so complex that most of us dont really comprehend yet we do read it "emotionally speaking"
the books that you have read, is it just about understanding the body-language or has more depth than that? (business, confidence or self-believe for example)
gr8 thanks, I'll have a look
seems like a clever guy, probably has some valuable stuff to say
the guy the camera was on got it instantly. nice.
The bold guy either is very intelligent cause he didn't fell for it, or either experimented the same joke in the past.
to learn boy language in full go to my site evolutionofbodylanguage(dot)com I think it covers everything or if you have a questions not answer just ask me ill try find out and also the physical attractions for men and women and why they attract.
Allan Pease is cool : )
I saw Allan back in 2009. He's genius.
haha classic!
Excellent tip for all BUT especially younger people..
Just reading about Pease and Pease's work on Body Language and watching their YouTubes to see what is relevant to new teachers for inclusion in a MESHGuide on Behaviour Management