
Alva Noe “Concepts and practical knowledge”

Latvijas Universitāte

9th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication “Perception and Concepts” May 16-18, 2013, University of Latvia.

Plenary session lecture by Alva Noe (University of California, Berkeley, USA) – Concepts and practical knowledge

9. Starptautiskais kognitīvo zinātņu, loģikas un komunikācijas simpozijs „Uztvere un koncepti” (Perception and Concepts), ko organizē Latvijas Universitātes Kognitīvo zinātņu un semantikas centrs sadarbībā ar Makmāstera universitātes (Kanāda) Filozofijas departamentu, notika 2013. gada 16-18. maijā Latvijas Universitātē.

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5 thoughts on “Alva Noe “Concepts and practical knowledge”
  1. It’s not so much that observable enactive agency is a fair index of ‘understanding’- something presumed to lie inside the head- it’s that ‘understanding’ IS one and the same thing an enaction- all is doing.

  2. Alva Noe's work (in the tradition of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, James Gibson, John McDowell, etc) is a vital part of one of the two great philosophical revolutions that must take place. Anyone in consciousness studies needs to sit up and listen to this man.

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