Consciousness Videos



I decided to take an Anthony Peake talk and edit it with music and video, using multiple tracks from the Interstellar soundtrack and the Sunshine soundtrack. I’ve also inserted much animated footage of the human body, brain, DNA, the universe etc. I’ve been very interested in Anthony Peake’s research since mid 2013. Always a joy to look up on so I feel that I owe this to him. In this talk, he talks about the science behind what our brain goes through when we experience near death experiences, temporal lobe epilepsy, what our brain goes through at the time of death, Glutamate and DMT, biophotons and microtubiles, consciousness beyond the brain and more. It’s 30mins long so please take time out to watch (if you do have time) as I’ve never created anything like this before and would appreciate any feedback. Here’s a little something about Anthony Peake from

“Anthony Peake is a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. His first book, Is There Life After Death? was published in 2006 and since then he has gone on to develop his own ideas together with exploring the latest areas of research in his field.
His fourth book, Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences, is a collaborative effort with some of the world’s leading authorities on the near death phenomenon. He was very honoured to be asked to be one of the editors as well as contributing a chapter.”

Hope you enjoy, peeps and a big thanks to Anthony and his work



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9 thoughts on “ANTHONY PEAKE “Internal Light” (KR-CENTRAL FILMS)
  1. The way you have put this together is fantastic, I use your work to test to see if people are open to his ideas/research. I pass it around on twitter along with Dr Penny Sartori, Stuart Hameroff links. Existence is a wonderfully strange place to live.

  2. Anthony is a very compelling speaker and wholly commendable for citing hard scientific unassailable facts. Thanks
    for this upload, though I found the music overbearing and at times drowned out the dialogue .

  3. I have also been following Anthony on facebook and I agree he really goes deep into our inner and possibly eternal life's. However, I'm a little lost here. The Micro Tuble theory (if I am getting it right) says that our consciousness under anesthesia is "retracted" into the micro tuble's and released either back into the brain on waking or into the universe upon death? That would also explain (if true) why most people don't remember anything after a surgery, Although, some do so it's complicated. Okay, so my next question and I have stopped the video here and will watch the rest after asking. I'm lost on the skydiver and I guess it's because I'm not really getting the "mechanism" of how the skydiver is getting back to a life while his body is actually hitting the ground? Also, what about a sudden death were we don't have time (arguably) to have our brain react before death to release anything? Anyway, great presentation and I am really looking forward to more of Anthony Peake's work. I found this on his facebook page and I am glad I did. Still, these are just some questions as I follow along.

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