Art Theory

Art Donovan on Letterman, 1/14/88 Part 2


Art talking about football and his favorite foods.


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20 thoughts on “Art Donovan on Letterman, 1/14/88 Part 2
  1. they don't put you in the football hall of fame for being a slacker, would have loved to hear his take on the colts owner sneaking out of baltimore in the middle of the night with the team.

    it's time to take sports franchises from greedy private owners and give them to the cities that support them.

  2. I am going to go to Valhalla when I die, can't wait! I am going to gather with Odin and the other Vikings at the great council table to drink some mjöd!


  3. In your dying moments on this earth, when you're horrified as to where you're going, remember how you made insensitive comments about the death of others on YouTube.

  4. I read the book, "Fatso." It's hilarious, and right off the cuff. Tells a lot of tales out of school about Don Shula, Weeb Ewbank, etc. Nothing malicious, but surprising. Go to the library and get it.

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