
Artificial Intelligence in the South China Sea

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Artificial Intelligence in the South China Sea

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by Jonathan Hall , December 28, 2018 The South China Sea is host to a number of countries vying for control in the area. Attempting to develop new tactics and technologies to swing the balance in its favor, China may have found its key advantage – artificial intelligence (AI). Described as an “enabling” technology, in the same way as the combustion engine or electricity, applications range from deep-sea exploration and international investment, to cybersecurity and combat operations. Deep-Sea Operations Chinese scientists are currently developing plans for the first-ever AI-run colony on Earth. Designed for unmanned submarine science and defense operations, the project started at the Chinese Academy of Sciences following a visit from President Xi Jinping in April to the deep-sea research institute in Sanya, Hainan province. Costing taxpayers roughly $160 million, a location under review is the Manila Trench, the only place in the South China Sea with a depth exceeding 5,000 meters. Located near the Scarborough Shoal, where China and the Philippines nearly sparked conflict two years ago, the base provides China with a humanitarian pretext for placing strategically useful assets in the region. Resting along the meeting point between the Eurasian and Pacific continental plates, the trench is a prime target for recording seismic activity. In one of the largest quake zones in the world, China can likely push their agenda under the guise of a “win-win” scenario. The ability to monitor potential earthquakes and tsunamis would be to the benefit of emergency planners in each country. However, China’s ability to launch antagonistic operations and track foreign vessels – would not. Maritime Drones Following the president’s April visit, in July the Chinese Academy of Sciences began pursuing plans for a fleet of unmanned autonomous underwater submarines, or “Extra Large Underwat…


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3 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence in the South China Sea
  1. All of China's intelligence is "artificial" as they stole it all from someone else. Do not be fooled, China is at war with the truth, just ask all the Chinese dissidents….oh sorry you can' they have all been executed, and their organs harvested…

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