
Artificial Intelligence needs all of us | Rachel Thomas P.h.D. | TEDxSanFrancisco

TEDx Talks

Rachel Thomas is a deep learning researcher, she is the cofounder of which created the “Practical Deep Learning for Coders” course that over 100,000 students have taken. In her talk she explain why Artificial Intelligence should be accessible to all of us, even without a math background.
Rachel was selected by Forbes as one of 20 Incredible Women in AI, earned her math PhD at Duke, and was an early engineer at Uber. Her writing about AI and has been read by over half a million people and has been translated into Chinese, Spanish, Korean, & Portuguese. Co-Founder and Researcher at USF. Mathematician, Deep Learning researcher, bringing and teaching Deep Learning to the mainstream. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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21 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence needs all of us | Rachel Thomas P.h.D. | TEDxSanFrancisco
  1. Agreed Rachel – inclusiveness in AI is essential to shape AI for humanity positively. It has so much opportunity for making our lives better.

  2. Anglo-American Main Stream Media such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, PBS, CBS, NPR, BBC, etc. are particular poor examples for honest, fair and balanced reporting. These "news" networks are the reason alternative news networks sprouted out of every corner of youtube and the greater internet. Many of these so called "conspiracy theories" could turn out to be conspiracy facts.

  3. I feel there is still a lot of sexism in tech. And women need to push for their rights in the technology sector. We still have too few data scientists as women and I am facing lot of resistance in getting a position as a data scientist while men with similar qualifications are getting jobs faster.

  4. English is my 6th language but why does her talk makes me angry indirectly? Its not even got to do with her content. Is it her voice? Im not sure.

  5. A.I. will eventually take over us because humanity destiny is there just like the matrix movie foretold, computer processing power is far superior to human brain circuitry, A.I. is in baby steps, by 2025 or 2030 A.I. will think for us…

  6. id have a lot more sympathy if she was talking about dealing with bias in general, as opposed to simply swapping the current bias for her own bias…

  7. completely agree with those myths, I study master degree of AI at Charles University,Prague, with my bachelors at Petroleum Engineering. As far as I can tell, AI doesnt need you to be genius. You just need to be a little bit smart. thats it

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