Art Theory German Idealism 1 – Play, Intuition & Art September 25, 2020Seth Tichenor2 Comments on German Idealism 1 – Play, Intuition & Art
Art What is Aesthetics? Why is it worthwhile? (Part 3/3) February 22, 2019Seth Tichenor10 Comments on What is Aesthetics? Why is it worthwhile? (Part 3/3)
Art What is Aesthetics? Why bother? (Part 2/3) February 14, 2019Seth Tichenor5 Comments on What is Aesthetics? Why bother? (Part 2/3)
Art Hegel’s aesthetics 3 – Art and Beauty as avenues of self consciousness January 26, 2019Seth Tichenor22 Comments on Hegel’s aesthetics 3 – Art and Beauty as avenues of self consciousness