Art Theory S1 BBA MANAGEMENT THEORY & PRACTICE Module V 'Principles of Business Ethics' Abha Job Class 56 December 1, 2024St. Joseph College, Pavaratty1 Comment on S1 BBA MANAGEMENT THEORY & PRACTICE Module V 'Principles of Business Ethics' Abha Job Class 56
Art Theory S6 | B A ENG | LITERARY CRITICISM & THEORY | ARISTOTLE'S Observations on Poetry | Tresa Saritha – 5 December 8, 2022St. Joseph College, Pavaratty10 Comments on S6 | B A ENG | LITERARY CRITICISM & THEORY | ARISTOTLE'S Observations on Poetry | Tresa Saritha – 5
Art Theory S4 | B A ENG | LITERARY CRITICISM | PLATO's Theory of Imitation, Attack on Poetry | Tresa Saritha- 2 October 5, 2022St. Joseph College, Pavaratty39 Comments on S4 | B A ENG | LITERARY CRITICISM | PLATO's Theory of Imitation, Attack on Poetry | Tresa Saritha- 2
Art Theory S1 BBA MANAGEMENT THEORY & PRACTICE 'Ethical Dilemma & CSR' Abha Job Class 58 May 1, 2021St. Joseph College, Pavaratty
Art Theory S1 BBA MANAGEMENT THEORY & PRACTICE 'Corporate Philanthropy & Corporate Governance'Abha Job Class 60 April 6, 2021St. Joseph College, Pavaratty
Language S5 Language & Linguistics -Tresa Class-1 June 2, 2020St. Joseph College, Pavaratty19 Comments on S5 Language & Linguistics -Tresa Class-1