Consciousness Videos A stationary observer O looking at a fish F in water `(mu_(w)=4//3)` through a converging lens o… July 7, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos when a source is going away from a stationary observer with the velocity equal to that of sound … July 4, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A source is approaching towards an observer with constant speed along the line joining them. Aft… June 30, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos Assertion: An observer is moving due east and wind appears him to blow from north. June 6, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A train moves towards a stationary observer with speed 34 m/s. The train sounds a whistle and its : June 1, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A glass slab is placed between an object (O) and an observer (E) with its refracting surfaces May 29, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos An observer in a boat finds that the angle of elevation of a tower standing on the top of a cl May 22, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A stationary observer receives sonic oscillations from two tuning forks one of which approaches … May 13, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos Two observer `A` and `B` carry identical sound sources of frequency `256 Hz`. If `A May 5, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos Source and observer start moving simulatneously along x and y-axis respectively. The speed of so… May 1, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A statinary observer receives a sound of frequency 2000 Hz. The variation of apparent frequency … April 29, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos An observer standing at station observes frequency `219 Hz` when a train approaches and `184 Hz` March 26, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A stationary observer receives a sound from a sound of freqeuency `v_0` moving with a constant v… March 2, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos To a ground observer the block `C` is moving with `u_(0)` and the block `A` with `u_(1)` and `B`… February 19, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A stationary observer receives sound waves from tow tuning forks, one of which approaches and th… February 8, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos As measured by an observer on the earth, be any difference in the periods of two satellites, eac… January 19, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A source of frequency `f` is moving towards the observer along the line `SO` with a constant vel… January 18, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos Show that when the speed of the source and the observer are small compared to the speed of sound… January 16, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A train moves towards a stationary observer with speed `34 m//s`. The train sounds a whistle and… January 15, 2020Doubtnut
Consciousness Videos A train is moving towards a stationary observer. Which of the following curve best represents th… January 12, 2020Doubtnut