Consciousness Videos

Ben Pakulski || The Time Efficient Scientific Former Bodybuilder Elevating Consciousness

Leo and Longevity

0:00 Introduction
0:30 What Leo does
1:54 elevating awareness
2:58 Overcoming GABA dysfunction caused by trauma
3:48 The brain that changes itself
4:13 We are interviewing you, Ben
5:05 Ben’s youtube channel/podcast
5:31 Why Ben doesn’t do many interviews
6:58 How has bodybuilding in Canada changed?
8:04 Ben saw Ronnie’s first Olympia, then got hooked
9:42 Science of hypertrophy training
10:29 Dr, Andy Galpin and Dr. Eddie Joe,
10:59 egos in science
12:33 Neurological literature
13:37 Learning over time
14:46 Defending SSRIs
16:30 Dorian Yates philosophy and injuries
17:46 Skill acquisition
20:19 How long it takes
23:19 Skill acquisition and anatomical realities
25:00 How do you realize something is not working
26:12 Why did Ben decide to retire?
26:57 Bodybuilding was Ben’s armor
27:56 Developing personalities around abusive parents
28:51 Being conscious in the moment
30:29 Default mode network and Executive control network
31:35 Your greatest gift can be your greatest weakness
32:16 Jung and the shadow
33:03 Ben’s kids saved him
34:21 Nick finding his fiance
35:08 Autonomic nervous system (sympathetic/ autonomic)
36:50 Using breath to control your sympathetic nervous system
38:59 Wim Hoff
39:42 Learning to train your parasympathetic nervous system
41:14 Using his current skills in bodybuilding
41:31 What bodybuilding can be vs what it usually is
43:53 Is pump training useful (low weight to build muscle)
47:08 Do you want to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system on immediately after a workout
47:51 Treat yourself like a natural athlete
50:11 Is Ben bored of bodybuilding
51:17 The muscle building language
52:11 The why behind bodybuilding
53:41 What is the recipe for happiness and contentment
54:05 Living in your own value system
55:26 Honesty
57:02 How do you find who you are
58:42 Do you get joy out of weight training
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22 thoughts on “Ben Pakulski || The Time Efficient Scientific Former Bodybuilder Elevating Consciousness
  1. I met Ben at his last Olympia and he wouldn’t even stand up to take a pic with me even after I told him I signed up for one of his programs. Out of everybody that day, he was the biggest jerk. I can see that nothing has changed since. Side note, what’s up with you a Trigili? Haven’t seen him on in awhile. Are you guys still good?

  2. I see a bit of myself in Bens personality. I don't think he has a superiority complex. He's just sought of introverted and stern in his demeanor. I'm sure his heart is in the right place.

  3. I had to turn the podcast off, my time is far to important for this. I’m heading over to the big Lenny podcast for more intellectual dialogue lmao 😂

  4. He talks a lot about the parasympathetic nervous system. I wish Leo had asked him to explain what receptors were being agonized by what neurotransmitters, to cause the neurosignalling. Leo was tired in this video and I think it made him more docile.

  5. Ummmm oxidation due to the production of ATP in cell mitochondria never stops. If oxidation phosphorylation stopped, cell respiration stopped, I think you would be dead. What does he mean by oxidative energy system? The glycolytic energy system is only utilized by contractile tissues at certain times. He is not making sense.

  6. I am on zoloft because of uncontrolled anxiety. It changed my life. So far I have seen that there is always a ssri that works for any person. The benefits far outweigh the sides. I am also on klonopin 1 mg. Thats also a great drug if you discount the addictive nature of it. I have a neck tic and klonopin helps with that!

  7. Absolutely terrible interviewing technique. You don't invite people on just use as a platform to air and argue your own opinions, but to ask questions and allow others to present their opinions. All-round disrespectful and I can see you having trouble getting quality guests moving forward.

  8. This was a great interview period. The comment section is full of stupid comments about a guy 99.9% of you DON'T even KNOW. You think you can judge a person for a 1-hour interview… that's retarded. Ven is obviously a smart guy that enjoys sharing his knowledge. Plus he has been more successful in the fitness industry than 99.9999% of all the people talking shit about him. He was assertive during the whole interview not cocky… You think he is arrogant because he seems to have an answer for everything he thinks he knows… then you are watching the wrong YouTuber because Leo also thinks he has an answer for everything he thinks he knows about… which in my opinion is great… valid and relevant…

  9. Leo i think you need to change the title of that podcast ..! Maybe the bodybuilder turned yogi suffering from a superiority complex ?

  10. For some reason I feel me and ben are similar. Sometimes, and this is true for me, you escape to logic in order to avoid your emotions. The result is you develop a bunch of pseudomoralistic, pseduophilisophical bullshit ideas, which leads you to think you've "figured life out" when you're really still as mentally mature as a 10 year old. Ben kinda seems this way, he has all these philosophies yet he seems like hes super on guard and defensive. Its almost like his ideas about life havent changed his at all. Makes me realize what a pretentious fuck I must be in real life. Feels bad

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