Consciousness Videos

Bernard Carr, cosmologist and friend of Hawking, on consciousness and parapsychology

Essentia Foundation

Our brains do not produce consciousness, they ‘filter’ it and consciousness is related to the higher dimensions in string theory. In this thought provoking conversation, distinguished Professor of mathematics and astronomy Bernard Carr explains his theory of consciousness and psi-phenomena.
This video has human-created English subtitles, so don’t forget to click on the ‘CC’ button below the video to enable them.

00:00 Introduction
05:02 How did you get involved with parapsychology?
09:41 Bernard on trying to weigh a soul…
13:50 Is psychical research science?
16:03 The Enfield poltergeist claim
25:59 Are Psi phenomena real?
26:58 On the importance of true skepticism
28:55 Where are we in studying these phenomena scientifically?
34:44 Is having a scientific background a hindrance or a help when it comes to studying these phenomena?
38:55 In what sense are most scientists not ‘believing’ the phenomena?
43:54 On a post-materialist science
44:38 How does your notion of time relate to psi phenomena?
53:16 What is the relationship between time and consciousness?
1:01:10 Is time real?
1:04:20 What is the ‘specious present’?
1:06:38 You might argue planet Earth is conscious
1:09:16 On the experience of time when falling
1:11:56 When the specious present seems to expand
1:15:51 How does the concept of the specious present explain certain psychic phenomena?
1:19:11 Natalia on the slowing down of time when falling off a mountain
1:23:17 Bernard on the movies Inception and Interstellar
1:24:44 Is time just a dial on our dashboard of perception?
1:27:25 When you either experience an eternal now or an eternal always…
1:28:00 On experiencing the transcendence of space and time
1:30:07 How do you interact with the world when you are in a different specious present?
1:32:53 How athletes are successful due to a specious present that is slowed down
1:33:58 What if our specious present is expanding?
1:37:02 Bernards view on the fine tuning problem
1:41:11 On the multiverse
1:42:47 Is there something before the Big Bang?
1:47:34 Hawking’s theory about the origin of time
1:50:59 There must be a genesis of the universe, right?
1:52:06 God and the Big Bang
1:54:44 What is consciousness to you?
1:57:12 Are there actually ‘laws’ of physics?
2:01:32 Is a final theory possible?
2:05:08 How to fit consciousness – per definition the first-person experience – into science, which is about the third-person experience?
2:11:16 How to make a new physics that accommodates consciousness testable?

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37 thoughts on “Bernard Carr, cosmologist and friend of Hawking, on consciousness and parapsychology
  1. Because they can't prove it. They said they don't want to see the I formation/telescope. They don't feel comfortable not having an explanation for something. You're a very courageous being, very important for the development of consciousness. The awareness

  2. Sir, if u could please try this Also, if we connect two people using neural link will they start synchronising? Will we have access to higher consciousness??😊

  3. Time is not a dimension with dimensional qualities. Time is a socially adaptive resonance with and of the past, arising in sequence of form. Consciousness is the marriage of awareness and conscience.

  4. In my childhood I was afraid of the dentist, it was a real issue for me. My family concerned about it invited a psychiatrist to perform on me hypnosis. to make me more resilient and to be afraid of the dentist. As I remember I got two hypnoses sessions no more. Since then I have been able to deal with some important dental work, even without anesthesia such as root canal treatment. Consciousness could be categorized into four components, 2-self-awareness, I am here, this is me. 2- cognitive awareness, I can solve a mathematical analysis without my sel awareness being involved. 3- projected awareness, if I make a decision it will come with the result I expected

  5. Consciousness is simple, it comes from God and the spirit world. Near Death Experiences prove scientifically that our memories reside in our spirit, not our brain. When we are born God inserts a spirit into us which begins our consciousness. The spirit world is our real world, we are just here as a test of our goodness.

  6. This video is so good and informative. I gained some additional perspective from Dr. Carr. He has very intelligent, lucid thoughts that have great relevance.

  7. Bernard, whom I knew very tangentially thirty years ago, while at London University's Queen Mary College, is a highly intelligent, thoughtful and decent human being. But, at least based on this and other similar videos available on YouTube, he appears to lack all capacity for skepticism, to an extent I find astonishing for someone so well-educated and so otherwise well-integrated with the academic world. I would not go so far as to say Bernard actually finds the scientific method optional or, indeed, irrelevant, but I think I could be forgiven for making such a conclusion, based on what I've seen here.

  8. You’re right. But, Buddhism already has 2500 years ago. And, we’re in the West, aren’t we, where knowledge was concentrated on making weapons, not trying to understand the nature of mind?

  9. BREAKTHROUGH: =O> Stone found 4/14/2021, UNWUH9 discovered 6/15/2021
    I found the =O> Stone and it lead me directly to discover UNWUH9. This is not a joke.
    UNWUH9- Universal Narrowband Whole page Un-isolated High-pass filtering in 9 steps (sometimes fewer with JWST's Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam).
    "Mind" is God. "mind" is in man. Mary Baker Eddie used the "big M liitle m" .

  10. What is interesting is I had a vision like an out of body experience where I was sweating and it went black and then I awoke into this glowing white room that was kinda foggy. Saw an giant angel that I heard psychically that it was me being prepared for a wedding banquet. And I say Jesus and he spoke to my psychically. Saying he wanted to show me some things. He showed me a table with all kinds of food bread grapes and wine goblets. But it had ugly folding church chairs. Then he showed me the Angel and there were people that came up to the angels elbows and they were dressing her. And then I turned and looked to Jesus, His eyes glowing supernaturally blue. And he was by the window and told me psychically to come look down at earth. I could see world as viewed from space glowing in blue and green. And as I got to the windows I felt myself returning to my body and I was breaking out in a cold sweat and everything was black before I woke up to the real world. I also had a vision in a dream predicting also involving Christ and blood flowing from the cross representing a genocide of people being crucified so many people that it was a continually flowing river of blood. I wanted to see Jesus face so I was crawling up the hill when I tripped into the crack and woke up from the feeling of falling. Turns out I too am given a death sentence by string forces. So it was telling me of something that was going to happen in my future. So what I gather from it is that the universe or God was trying to communicate to me in two different forms prophetic future events in my life. Using symbols. But it helps science to better understand these profound ways we can communicate with God through visions and dreams. So you have to ask what are those things really.

  11. What does he think about seeing numbers that are sending messages? I have been experiencing this for five years now. And I realize the Bible all throughout has a lot of expression with numbers and also symbols to encompass a double meaning much like the Egyptian holographs. Which also makes me think that the human mind is very linked to signs and symbols to convey a deeper meaning. Our dreams operate often by signs and symbols to express to us something happening in our life. But it often is indirectly using symbols to convey something deeper.

  12. This guy is right. His talking about the brain shutting down making people more heighten awareness. I think he’s right about everything he’s talking about.

  13. After my mom had brain surgery I noticed her psychic about was activated and she was telling me something about the number 8. That number was showing up when I was driving home everywhere. But she was picking up on the synchronicities and was saying something about the number 8. I knew soon as she said it that she was psychically picking up on it. My drive home confirmed it. And I know the trauma to her brain was some how heightening her psychic sense. I been pondering this and wondering if I will start doing the same as my disease in my brain starts getting worse. She was just spilling out raw data. She wasn’t making sense too someone who is not aware of these types of things already.

  14. I do see a lot of common willful ignorance among Christian’s and atheist. I think there’s a large portion of both of them that won’t even look at new evidence because it parts from their holy books that they so deeply believe in side youth that they cannot open their minds to evidence contrary to their narrow scope. It’s very bad behavior. I do think they both are right about some things. But they don’t have the full picture.

  15. The reason they won’t look through the telescope is because it might make them consider that they are not the only gifted people in the world. And they have built their identity around their pride in their iq and they see it as having to share importance with others which bothers them.

  16. I also did see a shadow person as a child also. Then also had a vision of Jesus in heaven the room full of light looking down on earth through a window.

  17. The pultiguise thing creeps me out if it’s real. I did wonder at the time if it was my imagination. Now I know the ark is used through imagination and children have strong imaginations. My episode stopped soon as my dad came out to protect me and picked me up took me to his bed. I remember crying quietly cuz I was told not to wake them up but I was having leg aches so that’s why I had woken up. And went down the hall and heard all the noises in the family room. Was on the ground crying from fearing and whispering for help from my parents scared to wake them up. But my dad heard me still and came out and picked me up. And I felt safe again when he came out and it stopped.

  18. Had a pultiguise episode when I was a kid. It scared me to death. I thought it was demonic at the time. That it was spirits. Never thought that it could be the child’s own mind over matter causing it.

  19. I view consciousness as the electricity flowing through a circuit board- It is not the circuit board itself that makes the computer work, it needs the electricity to flow through it. In this analogy, it is not the specific arrangement or construction of the brain that creates consciousness, but rather, our sentience and being (consciousness) exists independently of the brain, but does flow through the brain, making it "work".

  20. Rupert Brooke
    Dining-Room Tea

    WHEN you were there, and you, and you,
    Happiness crowned the night; I too,
    Laughing and looking, one of all,
    I watched the quivering lamplight fall
    On plate and flowers and pouring tea
    And cup and cloth; and they and we
    Flung all the dancing moments by
    With jest and glitter. Lip and eye
    Flashed on the glory, shone and cried,
    Improvident, unmemoried;
    And fitfully and like a flame
    The light of laughter went and came.
    Proud in their careless transience moved
    The changing faces that I loved.

    Till suddenly, and otherwhence,
    I looked upon your innocence.
    For lifted clear and still and strange
    From the dark woven flow of change
    Under a vast and starless sky
    I saw the immortal moment lie.
    One Instant I, an instant, knew
    As God knows all. And it and you
    I, above Time, oh, blind! could see
    In witless immortality.

    I saw the marble cup; the tea,
    Hung on the air, an amber stream;
    I saw the fire’s unglittering gleam,
    The painted flame, the frozen smoke.
    No more the flooding lamplight broke
    On flying eyes and lips and hair;
    But lay, but slept unbroken there,
    On stiller flesh, and body breathless,
    And lips and laughter stayed and deathless,
    And words on which no silence grew.
    Light was more alive than you.

    For suddenly, and otherwhence,
    I looked on your magnificence.
    I saw the stillness and the light,
    And you, august, immortal, white,
    Holy and strange; and every glint
    Posture and jest and thought and tint
    Freed from the mask of transiency,
    Triumphant in eternity,
    Immote, immortal.

    Dazed at length
    Human eyes grew, mortal strength
    Wearied; and Time began to creep.
    Change closed about me like a sleep.
    Light glinted on the eyes I loved.
    The cup was filled. The bodies moved.
    The drifting petal came to ground.
    The laughter chimed its perfect round.
    The broken syllable was ended.
    And I, so certain and so friended,
    How could I cloud, or how distress,
    The heaven of your unconsciousness?
    Or shake at Time’s sufficient spell,
    Stammering of lights unutterable?
    The eternal holiness of you,
    The timeless end, you never knew,
    The peace that lay, the light that shone.
    You never knew that I had gone
    A million miles away, and stayed
    A million years. The laughter played
    Unbroken round me; and the jest
    Flashed on. And we that knew the best
    Down wonderful hours grew happier yet.
    I sang at heart, and talked, and eat,
    And lived from laugh to laugh, I too,
    When you were there, and you, and you.

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