Consciousness Videos

Beyond Mindfulness: The Emerging Science of Consciousness – Part 2 of 3


Part 2: Consciousness: Creating the Physical World Through Focus

Mindfulness is enjoying a great deal of attention from the scientific community of late. And indeed, the practice of mindfulness – of training attention to rest in the present moment – is nothing less than vital to creating a fulfilling life. But it is only half of the story.

Our minds are immensely powerful. While science is learning about the brain in increasing detail, its knowledge of mind – of consciousness – is in its infancy, and what we are learning from this emerging science is nothing short of miraculous. How does belief affect biology, to the extent that the placebo effect must be corrected for in every serious scientific study? How is it that our intentions affect physical reality? Is it possible that science and spirituality are two sides of the same coin, one incomplete without the other, both vital? And most importantly, what does this emerging field tell us about our innate power to manifest our highest vision for our lives and our world?

In this video Laura Parris, MTS, tells the story of consciousness. She discusses how science is transitioning from a Newtonian view of mind: “My mind exists within the dense material form of my body, thus I am separate from everything else;” to an Einsteinian view of mind: “In a quantum field of interconnection, consciousness is connected to everything, and thus my mind influences the reality around me and within me.”

Laura also explores some of the latest consciousness research and introduces tools that allow you to experiment with this new science in your own life.


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