
Brief Candle in the Dark – with Richard Dawkins

The Royal Institution

Richard Dawkins discusses the key individuals, institutions and ideas that have inspired and motivated him since the publication of ‘The Selfish Gene’ in 1976.
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In conversation with Professor Alice Roberts, Richard Dawkins describes his life as a scientist that has taken him from the Panama Canal, to encounters with the greatest scientific minds of the 20th Century. He reflects on his efforts to popularise scientific ideas, through bestselling books, fiery debates and presenting the 1991 CHRISTMAS LECTURES.

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46 thoughts on “Brief Candle in the Dark – with Richard Dawkins
  1. 1 second ago
    Mel Dobra
    1 second ago
    If the proponents of evolution believe that it was evolution alone that brought our world into existence and all living species on it and the creator had no part in, Then all the aberration and difficulties that we encounter on this earth can only be the fault of a random chance of mutation spinning of in its wrong course of direction since evolutionist proposes that how it all came into existence . God can not take any blame what so ever since He does not exist or had any part in the formulation of the cosmos. How then Can Richard Dawkins the late Christopher Hitchens or Strauss point the finger at any religious people and their mistakes if they have been directed by a God that is the only figment of their imagination?Their circle argument is a lot of nonsense since they maintain God is only an allusion of the mind. These Guru"s I am afraid to have lead millions up the garden path and I don't think they know what they on about. Boris Dobra.

  2. I love RD’s mother’s sweet poem for their little dog, I found it quite moving and am rather disappointed that his host was reluctant to let him read it aloud. If we can write eulogies for human members of our family without being labeled “sentimental”, then why not for the nonhuman relatives as well.

  3. 1:07:39 The presenter, Prof Alice Roberts, shows her bigoted ignorance at this point. Education is lacking today even in the "educated". As an "anthropologist" she shows that she is laking in historical knowledge. Otherwise an entertaining reading of Dawkins' work.

  4. Thank hitchens that it was not neil degrasse Tyson that was interviewing Dawkins, because Dawkins wouldn't get to talk so much if that was the case.

    This was really beautiful.

  5. I love listening to Richard Dawkins, his arguments may be more convincing due to his perfect grammar and articulation. And he reads so well, I've actually never read any of his books only watched him on Youtube but i can imagine his writting will be perfect. I will get round to collecting all of his books when i have the spare time from working to read them. I escaped religion years ago and am also a Darwinian.

  6. I would like to ask Mr Richard Dawkins the following question: You said that all life is related and started from one life. You also talk about evolution by speciation and evolution that converts a specie into another specie, after long long time.
    How is that possible? -Your second theory (conversion) is direct contradiction to your first theory (speciation). right?

  7. "…picture of Saturn and many moons….?" hahahahahaha! that means, Saturn is a spinning and sun orbiting planet and its "many moons are spinning and rotating around Saturn. that is funny, and very funny.Saturn and its moons are fictions.

  8. What a pity that DORKins doesn't stick to what he's famous for, and not make public, and broadcasted politically stupid remarks like–''The referendum should not have taken place'', Apparently, we–The Plebs ,are not smart enough to understand such complex issues, (What, like wanting our democracy and political freedoms back from the thieves who stole it? ) yeah, he virtually says that elitists like him ( and jolly old Dave Attenborough-who holds the same view) should be the ones to decide. Apparently, the result of the referendum-''Was a disaster'' . Perhaps his Stroke, and his misses leaving him, had a negative effect on him. Bye Dickie boy.

  9. I like mr. Dawkins but I do not like this format of making him read a lot of quotes every now and then.

  10. Luis Lomeli
    1 second ago
    How it can be a force for good when the Pope-Hitler partnership killed 6 million juice. In the 1930's, faascism and the Catholic Church were one. About 300 years, 100,000 children were castrated for their voice. A man was burned alive for reading the Bible in English. How about Luther and the reformation. How about the church saying, "Have all the kids God will provide that government will pay the exepenses. How about l/3 of of Australian priests are suspected of child molestation. You do know that Adam and Even and Noah's Ark are fiction. All in all, the church is crappy and should be put out of business before it hurts more children.

  11. It's a shame to see Richard Dawkins waste so much of his time responding to american creationist nutters when he could be doing really important work, namely shifting the focus of evolutionary biology from an organism- or species-centric view to a gene-centric view, which clarifies a lot of behaviours (such as altruism) that old-school biologists struggled to explain (or even understand).

    Also, schooling Neil DeGrasse Tyson on basic computer science, which, while not particularly useful to mankind or science, is still fun to watch. 😛

  12. 4:15 i think richard dawkins may have read a college essay i wrote,
    "The categorization of many singular events into a chronologically linear timeline is a natural outcome of the compulsion to make sense of intangible worlds. In some cases however, linear chronology can become an oppressive structure, masking important themes when the relevant events are not easily linked by temporal proximity ."

  13. It was delightful to hear this casual conversation between two of my favorite people in this world. I must say: there is something so genuine and contagious about Professor Roberts' laughter. How I would love to have her (and Professor Dawkins, of course) as dinner party guests! I can't wait to someday hear HER Christmas Lectures!

  14. The majority of the world's population will stay with some kind of afterlife allusion and the rest are undecided until a later date as very few will within all honesty give up all hope of an afterlife.
    Allusion an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.
    There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact. (Mark Twain)

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