Consciousness Videos

Bruce Lipton – Science, Spirituality and the Global Shift in Consciousness


First published November 11, 2012

Bruce H Lipton, Ph.D. on his books The Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution.

Dr. Lipton is an internationally recognized authority on bridging science and spirit. His groundbreaking book The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles documents the amazing new awareness that is currently rewriting the science of biology and medicine — awareness that the mind’s perception of the environment, not genes, controls life at the cellular level. Dr. Lipton describes his own life as “radically transformed” because of his research: “Though I sought science as an alternate to accepting spiritual truths, lessons learned revealed that life was not an issue of science OR spirituality, it was an amalgam of science AND spirituality.”

Through the research of Dr. Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. The new science of Epigenetics is revolutionising our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species.

In Spontaneous Evolution, Dr. Lipton and political philosopher Steve Bhaerman reveal how our changing understanding of biology will help us navigate this turbulent period in our planet’s history and how each of us can participate in this global shift.

Many more interviews at

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21 thoughts on “Bruce Lipton – Science, Spirituality and the Global Shift in Consciousness
  1. Bruce, I would have thought you knew that blue is a higher vibration than red. Taking the red pill for awareness is like nonfat cake! It doesn't work. Hollywood lies…..really.

  2. Lipton doesn't seem to know how many cells are in the body (its about 37 trillion, not 50 trillion). Anyway I am surprised that a homeopath would promote someone like Lipton who pretty much believes that it is conscious belief, not homeopathic snake oil, (a.k.a. water) that heals you.

  3. the solution ~ change yourself: Picture a child you love very much at the age of 2 years old. Imagine this child before you and focus on the feelings of love you have for this child. Focus on your love for the child until it has expanded so much that you are smiling and feeling joy. After you have maintained this feeling for a few minutes, move this child to the side and place in front of you ~ yourself at the age of 2. Picture yourself now at the age of 2 and keep focusing on the feelings you built up for the first child ~ is not the second child as precious as the first? You are now loving yourself ~ stay with the feeling and expand it further ~ open your heart. Now that you know how to get into a feeling of love for yourself, you can change your age to focus on areas that may be more difficult for you to love yourself. Do this exercise daily and loving yourself will be become your natural response to yourself

  4. My dear Mr. Bruce,

    I agree with you 1000%. I wonder… the subconscious information comes from where??? I belief from it comes from the unconscious intelligence.

  5. Very interesting , pointing out that BELIEF control genes and MIND drives genes – this information created full positive effects to me ,,Thanku

  6. The biggest curse of human kind is not so much greed and jealousy or even money, as much is ignorance – and tragedy to be worst is not ignorance towards others but themselves. People just don't know and don't care about knowing themselves. They will find hundreds excuses why (because they have no time, or interest, or believe), but what is real reason beneath all of this is FEAR. FEAR of unknown, or change, or dirt they may find. FEAR of (facing) suppressed negative experiences, emotions, reactions.
    I think once they start to know themselves and care, they will be able to understand others much better and many conflicts and misunderstandings could be avoided. Their own health can be improved. It would bring to people totally new values, which would be again most important thing to teach their kids.That is the only way to better future.Give up on archetype believes and dogma and values outside, because the biggest treasure we carry is inside ourselves. There is the whole world within, beyond time and space and is our connection to nature and the universe…… NAMASTE

  7. So far, you can only understand consciousness through Leibniz
    If anyone wants to understand consciousness, there is IMHO only one way,
    that being through Plato-Leibniz, because only Plato has the universe's singular
    Perceiver, and perception must be from a singular point.  So from the top
    point, topdown, with nothing behind it, The One (Mind).

    Continuing, Leibniz has what seems at first to be an overly complicated explanation of perception
    and consciousness, but I go along with him because Leibniz's universe is inside of Plato's,
    where all causation, including perception and consciousness,  is topdown from the top (Mind
    with a capital M).  So our own minds  (small m) are puppets of Mind (the One, capital M).
    Thus Mind (the One, the singular point that is monarch of the universe) controls all

    Thus when we "see" something in our minds (small m), it is actually a report of what
    Mind sees, the universe of other monads with their individual perceptions,
    but from our own perspectives.  The report is given to us as an ordered  sequence, a series of
    updates to our perceptions, of the universe of monads,  since we ourselves, necessarily
    being individuals, cannot see (monads are windowless) be directly influenced by our environment. And time is not
    a variable in plato's tmeless, spaceless Mind.  Each update is like a separate frame of a movie
    but like a movie we experience our perceptions as if continuous and from our own eyes.

    Moreover, because of plato's topdown, cybernetic causation by thought, our minds play our
    brains like a violin, not the reverse. Dennett and others who view causation as bottom up
    from the brain to mind, have got it backwards. Our minds play  our brains like
    a violin.

    Accordingly, when (as caused by Mind) our brains, in perception send sensory nerve signals
    from our senses, Mind (the only operator) converts these physical sensory signals
    into mental experiences by perceving them and transmitting them back to our individual
    minds in the above movie-like process.

    These are called perceptions. But perceptions are only made conscious by our individual
    minds indirectly reflecting on them, that is to say, by thinking them–intending them.
    Leibniz called this action apperception. Apperception is awareness or consciousness.
    Consciousness is thus experiences which are thought on.

    Beware of trying to understand Leibniz from the Stanford site on Leibniz, which
    refuses to include Mind (capital M) in its explanations of Leibniz..

    Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000).
    See my Leibniz site:
    For personal messages use

  8. AWESOME!  Thank you for giving me the perspective I have been asking  to "show up!".  Now I get to work at creating a better HUMAN LIFE experience for All of us!

  9. Anyone interested in interesting combinations of science and spirituality that MAKE SENSE, go to
    TruthContest•Com and view the amazing conclusions of the TRUTH about life and death.

    This website's top entry "The Present" has changed my life. It will do wonders for you too. 😀

  10. Amazing how, if you disregard the information packed Word of the Creator – the Bible – how you end up being completely BLIND to the spirit world that lives right beside us as our shadow… and then how easily you can be fooled into believing utter nonsense like the 'info' in this video… sad.

  11. Nothing exploded and produced everything… good 'science' if u ask me… look up the "Assumptions of evolution" and you will find faith beyond the faith of a Christian…

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