
Build an AI Writer – Machine Learning for Hackers #8

Siraj Raval

This video will get you up and running with your first AI Writer able to write a short story based on an image that you input.

The code for this video is here:

I created a Slack channel for us, sign up here:

Great write-up on recurrent neural nets (LSTMs and GRUs)

Paper on skip thought vectors:

Paper on Unifying Visual Semantic Embeddings:

You can test this code out at this site! It’s really cool, they have a bunch of deep learning models in the cloud, you just have to upload an input and it gives you an output:

If you’re interested in NLP, check out Michael Collins course. This guy is such a G (it’s free and open source!):

And check out this guy’s free deep learning course on Udacity:–ud730

I love you guys! Thanks for watching my videos, I do it for you. I left my awesome job at Twilio and I’m doing this full time now.

I recently created a Patreon page. If you like my videos, feel free to help support my effort here!:

Much more to come so please subscribe, like, and comment.
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32 thoughts on “Build an AI Writer – Machine Learning for Hackers #8
  1. Perhaps this is the difference between innovator and entrepreneur. This Einstein, greatest mind but not Rich. Guido van Rossum creator of python is probably not as famous as the language itself. Brendan Eich inventor of Javscript not the richest guy, infact was fired from Mozila for making a $1000 donation, recently. Steve Wozniak the brains behind first Macintosh didn't become Steve Jobs. Entrepreneur take and idea and monetise while innovators love to innovate for life. Siraj you are great ! Keep making those lovely videos.

  2. It will be nice if you could make a requirements.txt for all of us….I know….can't make it that easy…but…..all the dependencies are not there……like..

    what in the world it's 'cPickle' . lol

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cPickle'

    load transform redoit….unload….

  3. Sir make a course on mathematics needed for understanding Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

  4. Does the lstm make use of attention mechanism while generating captions? If not, any hints on how the code can be manipulated to make use of attention mechanism.

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