Consciousness Videos

Carl Jung, Quantum Physics, & Spiritual Mind (2)

Carl Jung Depth Psychology Reading Group

Session 154 –This evening we discussed the the second segment of “Carl Gustav Jung, Quantum Physics and the Spiritual Mind: A Mystical Vision of the Twenty-First Century” by Diogo Valadas Ponte and Lothar Schäfer, published on MDPI Behavioral Sciences. This was Session 152 of the Carl Jung Depth Psychology Reading Group conducted on November 25, 2019, beginning at 8:00 p.m. US Eastern time.

Quantum Physics Thumbnail: ID 39311783 © Agsandrew |

Skip Conover’s Political Psychology Channel can be found here:

You are encouraged to watch the remarkable 3.25 minute documentary by Digital Fusion on the making of the 2009 Folio Edition of Dr. Jung’s Red Book:

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5 thoughts on “Carl Jung, Quantum Physics, & Spiritual Mind (2)
  1. I think Jung's work on unconscious mind and that it keeps coming over and over, the meaning of symbols in the history and what he experienced in his patients who were schizophrenic.. it shows something.. something deeper.. so symbolic like they have in religion but there is a deeper world there

  2. wow! at approx. 14 minutes. I have had a vision recently not exactly the same as the picture held up but am intuitively reminded by this picture. Mine had clusters of light blue waves coming down from the top left in layers at about -35/-40 degrees to the horizontal above. Midway down there was a parting of these waves and this was a synchronicity for me with something that God is doing in my life, parting the waves like those of the red sea to bring my ordination to priesthood in a few months time!

    Wondering now what the significance of waves being light blue in my case. I have a chakra chart….Looks to have synchronicities at a few points, Vishudda Element: Ether, Symbol: Cup/Chalice (Holy Eucharist, blood of Christ shed for you for the forgiveness of your sins), Nutrition: raw fruit (I do need to eat more healthily, body temple of the Holy Spirit, am a little addicted to chocolate at the moment!), Purpose/Focus: Expression-Release/Creativity (I am given so much to write and share with others at this time). Emotion: Expression of emotions (I am feeling a divine touch within at moments when I am watching/listening to love songs and scripture I have noted for reading in the ordination service. The divine touch release a cramp in my heart and I feel a release of emotions and tears flow. It feels cleansing in effect and a freeing up within in preparation for celebrating Mass.

  3. So sad i missed this live!!! So much covered!! Interesting the compartmentalization of the archetypes. I think they do make appearances unwittingly without experience but don't fully manifest until the wholeness of that archetype is experienced. But those characteristics of each i believe are present in the self regardless of experience. I feel they just activate differently dependent on the individual. Great conversation.

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