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24 thoughts on “Chad's A.I. Coaching Log | Signup and Program Overview |
  1. Is there any way to plug in planned absences into the program. Say if someone is gone for work/vacation/whatever for 1 week out of the schedule, can it plan around that?

  2. I workout 4 days a week, but at two different gyms. One at work, one at home. Is it possible to adjust the equipment selection for working out at different places that offer different equipment?

  3. This is a multivariable input output system in excel. Its an intelligent programming design but it isnt artificial intelligence. The machine doesnt learn from your experience and teach itself the appropriate response.

  4. Hey Chad,
    Huge fan of juggernaut and all the incredible work you guys do.
    Just one suggestion for your A.I. coaching: potentially personalizing the MEV/MRV percentiles based on each individual lift on it's own rather than as a whole. For example, some lifters could be aware that they respond better to more bench pressing frequency/volume, and less deadlift volume. From my experience with the questionnaire, it coupled all three of my lifts into the "historic training workload" question, where asking that question for each specific lift (for example; historic workload for squat, bench, and deadlift respectively) might be more specific and allow for more variance. Historically I have learned that my MRV for each respective lift varies substantially, and this may allow for a more personalized system and a more accurate MRV/MEV percentile assignment.

    Obviously I am unaware of the technicalities that go into making this into an implementable reality with your program, as i'm sure you guys worked tirelessly on this model, but just figured I would give you some customer feedback.
    Regardless, you and Garrett did an excellent job with this and thanks for being an excellent source of info for me and other lifters over the years.

  5. Nice work on this. I am considering giving this a try to gain strength with an eventual goal to move into Olympic weightlifting. I am only able to perform these lifts with a barbell. Does this program account for that?

  6. i have registerd for the AI coaching and i got a linear periodization program. Can i increase bicip and rows volume to match the push and tricip . If it is ok i will add only chest supported and cable rows no extra work on the lower back. I am asking this because i was doing alot more rowing before this program and i want to have a nice looking bicips and back

  7. Hi chad i bought the program but was wondering when i should excpect to receive the emailed program after completing customization questions

  8. I wish they had something like this for bodybuilding there is so much shit in bodybuilding it's ridiculous I could use this and make my auxillary lifts bodybuilding based this is pretty amazing I want to try it

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