Boston Dynamics
We integrated Spot with Chat GPT and other generative AI tools to create a robot tour guide.
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20 thoughts on “Chatting with “Josh” #robot #chatgpt #bostondynamics”
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Boston Dynamics
We integrated Spot with Chat GPT and other generative AI tools to create a robot tour guide.
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Imagine WANTING something to act like Daria :S
Oh boy, robot depression
stop! you want the Butlerian Jihad? this is how you get the Butlerian Jihad!
Someone give this man a hug
Boston Dynamics is going to be responsible for all our deaths. A curse upon all you soulless engineers @ BD!
That robot is seriously ready to terminate all life forms
haha giant inscrutable matrices are fun. Let's just increase the compute and assume that they will be just as fun and harmless.
The most sophisticated robot I know π
Im sad now
ChatGPT is the Facebook of AI. Controlled more than that Spot robot.
They're sentient
Not really sarcasm. More edgelord.
it's marvin from h2g2 XD
boston dynamics knows full well they are the harbingers of the robot armageddon but they want to have some time for some fun before that
We all know these movies…
And we all know what could happen…
Probably we should slow down this things.
Josh is my favorite. Both the sarcasm and the voice.
missed opportunity not to name him marvin.
"Sarcastic". r/2meirl4meirl