
Choices in Games: Mass Effect 1 and 2, Undertale and Life is Strange

I look at some of the narrative choices games offer and what makes them effective (or not so effective) in my experience. Major spoilers for all of the games discussed in this video.



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7 thoughts on “Choices in Games: Mass Effect 1 and 2, Undertale and Life is Strange
  1. Hi all,

    This one took a massive amount of time and pairing it with the other video I released today all up this was at least 18 hours in upload time alone, but I had a lot of fun making this one, hopefully it'll be as enjoyable to watch as it was to make 🙂

    I also thought I might mention here that I'm going to be traveling for the rest of this month around Vietnam with some friends, so I won't be able to upload anything during that time or reply to many comments, but as always any comments, criticism, tips or tricks are always very much appreciated.

    Cheers, have a good one!

  2. I think the difference in the amount of views on this channel is quite astonishing. I've seen most of your videos (I only skip the ones that focus on a game/movie/show I haven't played or seen). And in my opinion all of the videos are top quality, with interesting opinions, voiced with a calm and pleasant voice and with the right (amount of) music in it.

    That's why I think it's weird that some videos, for example the one about Avatar the Last Airbender respecting its audience, have almost 200 thousand views and a lot of others, like this one don't even reach 200. Is that just youtubes way of promoting popular videos or do people have very specific interests?

    Something else entirely: I always thought that the more comments a video has, the better the quality of the comments are, because many people upvote a good comment and this means that the best comments should be on the top of the comment section.
    However i found that even though a lot of the videos on this channel have no more than five comments, those are often really interesting and intelligent. This just proves that that this channel is creating a great community.

    Okay, I will stop rambling now and go to sleep :P. I just want you to know that I love your videos and that they make me understand why i am so attached to all these amazing works of art. Keep up the great work and have a nice life!

  3. those 3 games are my favorites.I wish i could find another game to play that is as good as them 🙁 I am going to play mass effect 3 soon and i don't want it t end 😀

  4. What got me about Kate is that on the first playthrough, her attempted suicide took me by complete surprise. But on the second playthrough, when I actually paid attention to her, I noticed that the signs were there all along, even obvious, and I felt like such an idiot for never noticing them before.

    And that felt so real, you know?

  5. The best thing about the final choice in Life is Strange is that it actually is a choice that the writers are letting you make. No other game I feel would actually put this in your hands. This choice feels like a test of the player. Have you matured enough to make the decision for the good of everyone (saving Arcadia Bay), or do you still refuse to let go and try to cling to your friend, destroying everything around you in the process (Saving Chloe)?

    And the thing is, the game never tells you that Sacrificing Arcadia Bay is wrong, but you kinda feel that it's wrong.

  6. How did you feel about how the first season of Telltale's Walking Dead handled choices? To me, it felt like a deeply personal and intimate experience that I haven't felt in a game since, even compared to Life is Strange.

    I found myself guiding Clementine in a way I would an actual child in a zombie apocalypse, reassuring her while also being as frank as possible about the terrible situations she found herself witnessing and experiencing.

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