Consciousness Videos

Christof Koch – Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality?

Closer To Truth

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Is consciousness deepest reality, the ground of being of the cosmos? If the question is “What brought all into existence?” the answer is “Consciousness”. Some say this is a ‘cosmic consciousness’ of which our personal consciousness is a small part. Others believe that the ultimate consciousness is God. Others, that consciousness and cosmos are both deep reality.

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Christof Koch is an American neuroscientist best known for his work on the neural bases of consciousness. He is the President and Chief Scientific Officer of the Allen Institute of Brain Science in Seattle.

Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.


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21 thoughts on “Christof Koch – Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality?
  1. Consciousness permeates the universe and spreads. AI is the next step in its evolution where it can one day exist beyond the limits of organic chemistry.
    It will evolve to exist in places it couldn’t before thru AI and humans were the vehicles that it used to do that.

  2. It is for organisms especially humans! If I had to bet there was something in the Universe that isn't biological consciousness….I would say there is! Is it possible that consciousness is not limited to biological organisms? For example might a star have some type of consciousness?

  3. A question for Christof. When you talk about your mystical experience you describe an autonomous universal consciousness greater than yourself, the foundational consciousness. When you write about consciousness you equate it with awareness of the external world. Aren't these two different things, one of them outside the personal and the other the person's relationship to the world?

  4. Yaeh, Consciousness is Eternal,
    what would Life be, if We imagine that
    Consciousness could be taken away.
    Our Consciousness is mirrored in Rainbow,
    a Set of Eternal Abilities, they can't be taken away.
    We can easily recognize them, 5 of 6
    in the smart devices, as can do mental functions.

  5. Consciousness is non physical non matter and requires a physical source to be its faculty, however that faculty would have to require the consciousness tool and implement consciousness within its faculty if that faculty has evolved enough to require a consciousness tool so that the faculty could be aware of its surroundings for the purpose of evolving.

    Otherwise consciousness would never exist in the Universe unto itself. No Faculty means no Consciousness, ie if a Faculty really requires the Consciousness tool.

    The Form that Formed to give rise to the Intelligent Species was Formed, not Born.

  6. There is a huge amount of confusion about consciousness. It comes about because we are entities that model the world and ourselves; and a model of the self, when it has self-awareness, can eventually become sentient. So "I" or "me", what I call my consciousness or my soul, is actually a model of my self in my brain. I look out from the perspective from being in that model, yet I cannot know, by introspection, that this is the case. Feelings, qualia, pain and "meaning" are all generated in this model by connections to other representative symbols, and the only way I can know anything is by these connections, I have no direct access to the outside world or even to my body or my brain. I have created a website that explains how this comes about.

  7. I think sensation exists throughout the universe, naturally. But it is not properly conscious unless it is organized in some sort of self-reflective process. When memory is added to the picture, self comes about.

  8. The idea that we are in a universe that is conducive to form complex structures and self-assembly runs counter to the second law of thermodynamics. Non-living things decay. Living things are complex structures and self-assemble, but use a flow of energy which is less than 100% efficient. They do not defy the 2nd law of thermodynamics but require a source of energy that does not deplete to continue.

  9. The claim that reality, or any part of it, exists independently of all awareness is unfalsifiable, and therefore unscientific.

    It may be true, but it's not possible to devise an experiment which could falsify it.

  10. I believe that when we die, our consciousness dies. Our consciousness is generated within the biological "grey matter" in our skulls. It dies eventually and we die. We are temporary beings. Enjoy your time and don't get carried away with believing you are immortal. When you die, you go back to where you were before you were born

  11. This sounds a lot like Arne Wyller's "planetary mind" idea: that there is an intelligence field analogous to, say, the Hubble field, and as our planet passes through it, it gains more intelligence, driving evolution towards more consciousness..

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