
Cognitive Dissonance – STOP Lying To Yourself

There is a lot of information available on the internet regarding narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse victim syndrome, healing Cptsd due to emotional abuse and overcoming the abuse inflicted by narcissistic parents; however, having someone guide and mentor you on your healing journey can be so helpful. If you feel you can benefit from inviting someone on your healing journey, please check out these links for face to face coaching and/or phone coaching: For those interested in an interactive self-help journal, here is the link for the PDF entitled I Miss Me and I Want Me Back Michele is someone that has truly been there; after surviving 31 years of narcissistic abuse by family members and significant others, she now dedicates her time and energy toward helping others as a Trauma Recovery Coach and soon to be a Certified Kinesiology Practitioner to help others that are still on their road to recovery. For those that are going to court against a narcissist, the PDF entitled When The Devils The Defendant has been a helpful tool for thousands-
Dating Harley Quinn – Female Histrionic Narcissist is NOW AVAILABLE –
A male target of narcissistic abuse asked me if I would be interested in ghost writing his memoir and after hearing his story I was hooked. It’s one thing to hear about what narcissistic abuse is, to learn about triangulation, blame shifting, projection, narcissistic supply, gaslighting and so many other terms and manipulation tactics we come to learn about on our journey to heal from narcissistic abuse. But it’s another story to delve into the life of someone trapped in a trauma bond by a female histrionic narcissist. This memoir, written in novel form, takes you on the roller coaster ride of highs and lows that are typical in emotionally abusive relationships.
Here is a brief description of the book, a link is found below.
This memoir opens the door to what my life was like dating a female histrionic narcissist. The beginning of the relationship was surreal – if ever I had fantasized about what the perfect girl would be – it paled in comparison to what Angel was truly like and how she enhanced my life. If I were to compare her to anyone I had ever dated – it would not be fair; it would be like comparing a painting done with finger paints hanging on a refrigerator door, held up with a magnet, to Michelangelo’s art scenes from Genesis painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
The feeling Angel gave was a perfect purity of manifested perfection. I quite literally could not imagen a girl more totally perfect, my imagination was stretched just to take in the reality of her. She took me in every way she possibly could to the heights beyond the tops of Mt. Everest in sensual and hedonistic pleasure.
She brought me to the edge of the stratosphere where the air is so thin you have to wear a space suit – but the view – the view is all humanity stretched out before you and you can see the curvature of the earth and the blackness of space.
And then she dropped me.
While reading this story there are no definitions spelled out as to narcissistic abuse, nor what histrionics are like, rather a picture is painted before your eyes. You will see the idealization phase, notice the cycle of highs and lows that are signature to emotionally abusive relationships, you will watch in horror as the trauma bonds can cause a person to make the worst, self-destructive decisions possible.
I’m inviting you to bear witness to my journey. What looked so innocent and enticing quickly turned into a covert poison that cost me a million-dollar business, my health, provoked a suicide attempt and left me homeless and suffering brain damage. This is my story. It’s not meant to entice sympathy, rather it’s a wake- up call for anyone that is in a relationship with someone narcissistic, sociopathic, histrionic or a cocktail of mixed cluster b disorders.

From Surviving To Thriving!!


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21 thoughts on “Cognitive Dissonance – STOP Lying To Yourself
  1. Hi Michelle. I really needed this term to be explained and u did an amazing job. Easy to understand and the actions to take after. Thanks. I love all your videos. I am still in an emotional abusive relationship and I needed some type of normalcy to undestand why Im staying even though I know its bad for me. This helped me recognize and I only hope I can change things soon.

  2. Hi Michelle. I've been going through the cycles of abuse by different types of narccicists since childhood. I am the scapegoat in my own family as well as my husband family. I finally got the courage to leave and was making great progress in healing. My 25 year old son who I was once very close to has been verbally mentally and emotionally abusing me for the last 2 years. He doesnt live here but he would show up drunk and get his supply by threatentenung me calling me names etc. He finally got clean recently and my hope was that the drug/alcohol abuse was the treason for his abuse but again I was wrong. I am currently going little to no contact but it is a struggle. The pain from it is so much deeper than I had from a partner, boyfriend or my father. This is a quick synopsis as it is always more complicated but i hope u can shed some light on dealing with abuse from your own child. I love your channel and thankyou esp much for sharing your story as well as helping the rest of us too.

  3. Yes a lot af that now I know it by this therminology, thank you it's like a had therapy with you ny goodness, you're doing tour job amazingly simple to understand, keep up the good work. J.P.

  4. In business college we learned the term, "opportunity cost", meaning the cost in time, effort, and resources in doing one thing over another DOESN'T stop at just that, but it's also the loss of those same things that could be advancing you in another, more profitable and satisfying direction. We were not born just to endure our lives!

  5. In his mr.Ex's fear of Exposure I don't have to give up my values, or linguistic inclination. He is the one who plays his mistake. Me out. Me dead. I do not deserve to die. For loving. Good topic. The world is filled with men that I could love. My Anglo-American heroes.?

  6. 6:16 less stressful means familiar. Being exposed to toxic parent behaviour during childhood makes people very familiar with such behaviours. Plus freat of being abandoned triggers same emotion children feel when they face the fact of being abandoned etc. C-PTSD trauma in action
    7:49 forth commandment, all mother want good for children etc

  7. Aarg that's me. I stayed for the children because statistically it's best for the children emotionally and financially. He is a good provider and is proactive with the children but was it the right thing? The children have turned out well and they know what he does isn't right but I do fear they will end in a loveless relationship too. Now they are leaving home after 22 years I have nowhere to go. What to do? I don't know after trying to dedicate my life to my children I don't have the energy or any friends. Me has dissappeared. Was I ever there? I'm trying to change to be more independent. You're so spot on with everything. Problem is I keep having health issues and I know it's because of stress.
    Sadly I am too old and too dead inside to find love. I realise I have actually never experienced love because I kept picking these broken people.
    Thankyou for these pieces they are very helpful and make me realise that I am not mad. This is real xx

  8. Very well said sister you should repeat it to my gf for me…..
    People today are so far removed from reality most are happy to bury there head in sand ?……?….its to hard to comprehend, thinking is involved…..thinking hurts the brain….mention now time cognition to the everyday man in street lol im writting in fiction myself now as i scribe this comment…..fact….when people are able to not only see but comprehend the illussion i.e fiction only then will they know how to remain in it. In it being now time..sorry

  9. if i could have heard your words many years ago, i'm not sure i would have agreed. born in 1929, i was raised in a church that claimed divorce a terrible sin. my dad was abusive from the time i was six years old, and at nineteen, i married a narcissist. with three children, i didn't believe i could support them financially, as i had no career skills. i stayed with my verbally and financially abusive husband for 24 years, until the abuse became life-threatening. no, not physically—my doctor told me that i could die, if i didn't have surgery. my husband's response was—"you're a hypochondriac, and that doctor just wants my money." after my divorce, my pastor piled guilt on me. my youngest daughter, only 16, was angry at me. that was many years ago—1974. i later remarried, this time to a normal man who could accept and return love. but the memories of those years of abuse refuse to go away.

  10. I justified when he would leave and go to HIS property in Florida. I stayed in HIS house in Ohio. He left right after Christmas last year. He came home before Valentine's day. I had time to think and decide. I got the opportunity in June and I jumped on it. I got the restraining order and he went to his mother's house. It only took me 15 years ?

  11. Yes lord, there actions are totally crippling. If they have a problem they need to say it. I cannot stand this shit
    What…. What… I do not understand! They crazy, I have no cognitive dissonance. I remember truth. I have no real choice, that's how I feel.

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