
Comedian DESTROYS 3 SJWs with facts and logic – Konstantin Kisin


We don’t normally do clickbait but when we do, it’s probably the best clickbait in the world.

TRIGGERnometry co-host Konstantin Kisin destroys SJW panel with facts, logic and humour.


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46 thoughts on “Comedian DESTROYS 3 SJWs with facts and logic – Konstantin Kisin
  1. That was so awesome. Fuck I wish this black broads would take his approach and thought process instead of just squealing “AAUUUGGH RACIIIIST!!” At every little fucking thing a white man says. Shut the fuck up and you stupid cunts

  2. Why are we pretending the western world, the one white men built, isn’t the best place in the whole word to live? Why else would aaallllll these immigrants from shithole country’s be coming HERE instead of the opposite? Why isn’t India full of immigrants or Kenya or China? Bc those places blow cock. Stfu and be happy you get to come live in the nice parts of the world.

  3. When people tell you someone else "meant" something that isn't what they actually said, they're reaching to fit their narrative. This dumb broad is telling them she knows better, even though she's not using the literal words that were tweeted. Just trying to call someone else racist when she's looking like the biggest racist. Not sure why this other guy is trying to argue that someone born in Russia is, in fact, English… It's like trying to convince the number 5 that's its really the letter M… Idiots are frustrating to talk with cuz they don't use any logic then wonder why you're not agreeing with them.

  4. Everyone hates England and America but they all seem to want to live there. Cant say fuck all about your own country these days without others trying to shout you down.

  5. Also he left the country because of illegal immigrants because England (where I'm from) is full of illegal immigrants I dont mind the legal ones but the illegal ones should be deported because its ILEGAL

  6. I am an immigrant. I am British … I will never be English … I will never be like or think like those people. I am a free man … I am not opressed by the monarch and her cohorts; I have not been taught my place in the class system; I do not have an old school tie that carries merit here. I was educated at a university where we enjoyed free speech and the ability to openly oppose the racist government of the day … the sun shone brightly there was no opportunity to hide in shades of grey …. Immigrants succeed because they are inhibited by the baggage the English have been taught to carry …

  7. Introducing different cultures into another culture is going to change the culture, that seems pretty reasonable, I mean are these people insane. White English kids are talking with a Jamaican accent, that is becoming less English.

  8. It's like going to an art gallery and 2 people stare at the same painting. One says, " this is clearly a happy painting" while the other says, "clearly this is a sad painting". The point being, politically charged discussions and statements, much like art is subjectively viewed by the individual to fit their personal narrative and viewpoint.

  9. I think the black lady fell and hit her head at the beach on the way into this interview. Someone tell her that she still has sea shells stuck in her hair.

  10. Englishness is a cultural thing. That black woman who blamed everything on racism is a good example on someone who goes around saying they are English (because they were born here), but her culture is not that of an English rose. I worked with a black woman who loudly proclaimed she was 'English', (born in England) and then she blew it all by talking about when she visited her mother in St Kitts in the Caribbean and they 'slaughtered a goat' for a BBQ.
    English girls get their BBQ meat on white Styrofoam with clingfilm wrapping. They do NOT 'slaughter a goat'.!

  11. None of those people are British, and whatever happened to the wonderful diversity, I don't see a single Asian or white person on this shitty show.

  12. So we get lectured by foreigners about how our cities feel to us? And non surprisingly, the racist card is pulled

  13. John cleese isn't wrong I've been back to London 3 times since leaving there ( I was born there ) and on all occasions I've been told to leave because apparently I don't belong there anymore !!!!!! I'm in a mixed race relationship and my wife as no trouble at all so who's the racists 🤔

  14. I am a foreign student living in Italy.If I stay here even if m kidd are born here tbey will never be Italians.Their last name says it all.Done !

  15. "London is less polite and English"

    cue ranting london immigrants shouting down and not listening to the polite Russian man every time he makes a point

  16. English is an ethnicity, and to pretend otherwise is disrespectful, and disingenuous. Nobody would go to any other nation that is the historical homeland of a people and claim what these folks claim. They are citizens of the U.K., but they aren’t English. That is the truth and it has nothing to do with skin pigmentation, and everything to do with heritage.

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