
Company of Heroes 2 – The Crimea AI Battle on General – Theater of War Gameplay


This is a walkthrough for the German Theater of War AI Battle ‘ The Crimea ‘ in Company of Heroes 2. Played on General difficulty.

Man what a pain this mission is, however being quick to capture victory points and using MGs to protect them this mission is slightly easier, making sure you capture the flags so the AI cannot spam tanks as quickly. There were a few micros that helped here, the pioneer squad which was barb wiring the north west flag to stop infantry getting to the north victory point as easily, HMGs really did help here especially since the allied AI was hellbent on invading the enemy territory and didn’t care about defending flags although they do bring in AT guns sometimes. once you have secured the area enough you can press on to the flag on the hill near to the enemy base which will distract the enemy AI for a while until its over. The enemy will try to attack the middle victory flag but your MG will be able to hold out until you can get reinforcements either grenadiers or a tank. Generally the main fight will be for the oil flag in the middle of the map at the beginning of the game and the southern islands where the victory point is due to you being spawned northerner than your allied AI which will focus on caping them flags south. Overall it should be alright if you’re quick but the last 5 times i did this without the MG tactic i got crushed tanks and infantry spammed and generally ragequiting environment but yeah germans have OP MGs so use them.

General tips:
Cap the victory points first, or at least the two that i do then go back and get the resource flags.
set up MGs at the captured victory points to hold them down for a while.
Maybe cause chaos to the AI by capturing the flag on the hill on their side.
Don’t die
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Company of Heroes 2 Theater of War playlist :-

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15 thoughts on “Company of Heroes 2 – The Crimea AI Battle on General – Theater of War Gameplay
  1. What is wrong with this Mission?! No offense against you. But I play double as fast as you and you don't even use any of your Commandabilities. But you win.

    I've tried this mode with several tactics. But it doesn't work, if I rushed with 4 Panzer IVs (Level 2-3) + Commando Tank (Level 3). Or if I defended, because then came at least 4-5 T-34 and you know how overpowered the sowjet tanks are at 1941 against German Steel.

    oh God. I try to use more bunkers and at last Stacheldraht.

  2. I've got it. Used nearly same tactic as you 🙂 To win: Use the barbedwire on the nearest left point to the enemy as you. Than the enemy can't conquer the north points for a while, the time you need to build up your army and hold the points! Units I used: PanzerIV, MG-42troops, Flamethrower-Halftracks and Snipers.

  3. Finally did this. I built three or four engineers and proceeded down the bottom of the map heading towards the fuel depos. I put bunkers with MG'S on each point. Built an AT gun and captured another while contining to bunker things up in the far left bottom corner. Seeing as I had the fuel I got out two panzers fairly quicky then just headed straigt into the enemy base BLITZKEIG style. Had to retreat at some point for repairs but by then I got a third panzer and back in I went 🙂

  4. Can't do this mission for shit. They keep building kv1 and there is nothing that can take them out. 3 anti tank infantry, 2 anti tank canons, doesnt matter. Wtffffffffffffffffffffff

  5. I tried many way but unfortunately i defeated at the last minute. Wtf! This game challenge my patience! But i love it!

  6. I tried many way but unfortunately i defeated at the last minute. Wtf! This game challenge my patience! But i love it!

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