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33 thoughts on “Consciousness Contest Update – Robert Bigelow and Colm Kelleher – A Mystery Wire Interview
  1. Man, the Joe Rogan podcast with Bigelow opened my eyes to Bigelow's non-sensical beliefs. He just wants to believe in after life and spirits. Lost all credibility!

  2. This is the time when the so called super star scientists of the world should get together and actually discover new things. The Neil Degrasse Tysons of the scientific community seem to be to busy religiously preaching from there science book, instead of opening their supposed unbiased mind to what they deem fantasy. The irony.

  3. this is confusing they claim to want a stringent scientific perspective right, but most of the world dosnt speak english, and most cant afford the privilege of a college education.

  4. Mr. Bigelow thank you for the great interview and all you are doing and sharing also BICS. Also thank you Mr. Knapp. Great job πŸ‘ to both of you. Your Friend Debby.

  5. Spiritson the other side …Lets wait please…Its to easy to say you will meet your relatives on the other side ….. we are talking about consciousness not about a body in the flesh we are talking about energy that is formless.

  6. Robert has misled the public for many years, whatever he has come up with has no legs whatsoever, and he has never been able to produce any evidence thats my take away from these latest talks, he should have spend hes money buying a AWAC plane with flir pods rather than all this hocus pocus BS.

  7. I have to do my essay. πŸ™‚ I can't wait to hear more about the research as my story ties to South America as well!!! Small part of the story, but it makes sense to me. I would pay close attention to the submissions from there. I started my essay and put in some notes and actually forgot about it.. πŸ˜‚ Thank you Facebook for throwing up this interview in my feed.

  8. I think this whole contest would make an excellent TV series on the scale of America's Got Talent / Britain's Got Talent / The Voice / The X-Factor etc.

  9. i have had vivid obvious telepathic visions via strong emotional moments (1 at the moment of death of a close relative. and 2 in a reiki session i had)..
    from my Bsc background i can see the possibility of structured energetic signature of the after life, my 2 cent on the matter is that there are vortices of coherent energetic (EM fields andor others…) that if they were in harmony with the fields of another living soulmatecompatiblereceptive being , they can communicate (to my knowledge) via what is best described by science as Quantum entanglement

  10. I’m glad that someone is taking the reins on this and looking for answers, I just hope he’s generous enough to share what he learns with us. ❀️

  11. I’m excited to see what Bigelow decides to let us know about what he finds. The little we got to hear about NIDS and Skinwalker ranch was unbelievable.

  12. The biggest mistranslation in the Bible is where it says you HAVE a spirit, you HAVE a soul. It is supposed to read you ARE a soul, you ARE a spirit. When a person's body dies it's the person who floats away from their body. A person is not their body, a person is not their brain. YOU float away from your body when your body dies. It's no more complex than that.
    I've died twice this lifetime!

  13. I think this reality was built in a way that we can never reach or prove life after death for a reason, whatever that reason is I don't know…

  14. I'm glad we have remote controls, microwave ovens and coffee pots. Even more thankful for Bob, Colm and George. Truth seekers to the max!

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