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Consciousness is the Unified Field – quantum physicist John Hagelin. Wake up!

Richard Mašek

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36 thoughts on “Consciousness is the Unified Field – quantum physicist John Hagelin. Wake up!
  1. I love the way Dr. John draws parallel between science and spirituality – a hard thing for a theoretical physicist to go beyond the domain of hard core math and physics into consciousness! Excellent explanation of a state before Big Bang and how that relates to meditative state of consciousness. Thank you Sir.

  2. you have to get your Sanskrit vocabulary checked. you throw words like samadhi, Brahman, sat, cut and many others in an off handed fashion. do you really understand the science, semantics and the understanding of your own thoughts behind the subject of this presentation or the words thrown around? no offense but it's really good for the non science, non spiritual materially befuddled common monad to grapple a sense of reality in a limited and biased perspective but the real meaning is lost! nonetheless, good work!

  3. just dont mention the g word: God…theoretical physics isnt pointing to an infinite mind from which everything arises…nope its not doing that at all…oh but it is….

  4. It's important to understand that this man is no longer an academic physicist. This is evident in the sheer hubris of the first 10 minutes of this talk, where he falsely preaches string theory as being a done deal. It really isn't – no serious scientist will tell you that. There is room in our human world for whatever belief systems one feels comfortable with, but it's very important not to pass them off as verifiable scientific theories. Why? Because if one does that, one is blurring the very clarity that we all seek.

  5. so basically God is consciousness. let's see… infinite, eternal, invisible, immortal, all knowing intelligence, and the source of universal awareness. Sounds like God to me.

  6. Dear Hagelin, Wonderful? How you could get to this level of consciousness so as to fathom the reality of consciousness is amazing. You have almost given out the exact nature of God and our very being. By connecting some more dots you would I am sure give us the concept of the complexity of the infinite. My heartiest Congratulations.

  7. You make a mistake to assume random unproductive bubbles within the sea of elastic bands. At a pure level everything has a purpose, you just have not identified it yet!

    Claims of other planets teaming with life is pure conjecture.

    I am now 12 mins. into the lecture and it appears the speaker is making everything up as he goes! Is he a cuckoo?

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