Consciousness Videos

Consciousness Maps Reality as a Story

Jordan B Peterson

Our newest episode with Tor Nørretranders releases on Thursday, April 18th at 4:00PM ET

In this excerpt, Tor and Dr. Peterson discuss how stories shape our conscious perceptions.

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Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life:
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos:
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief:

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25 thoughts on “Consciousness Maps Reality as a Story
  1. Could it be that your theory is backwards?

    consciousness might just be the result of our social brain evolving in an attempt to make sense of our particular spot in the competence hierarchy. By adapting the same strategy as with vision. Just like the peripheral vision we focus on a thought true words and fill in the other information such as shape,size,colour and the environment plus our linked emotional responses. That’s how we repackage information and telling story’s is the trigger for this evolution. So consciousness is our perpetual attempt to measure our place in the competence hierarchy’s we find ourselves in. Thinking evolved to make sense of the world and better our position to share our own stories and thus attempt to raise our offspring in the best way possible.

  2. Idea for a book – God is Gross. Rather than fine. I want to explore the thought I keep having that the ultimate reality is gross in this sense. And that grossness is the story.

  3. What if the story you tell yourself becomes more real than the life you live or you no longer understand how to live your life because of the stories you tell yourself? What happens then? How do you break out of that, how do you move forward in life if you have lost the ability to live it. Can life/reality support your story so much that you no longer live in said reality? Can things in life align so much to your story that you no longer live in reality? Asking for a friend…

  4. I want help, my father filed down my teeth, I live in pain and misery, ive been wrongfully punished, tortured, abused for 20 years, dentists filed it down more, they made me suicidal, i've been pushed to suicide daily for years, I begged God and was turned into a Holy person for 6 months, I was like Jesus, its more amazing than anyone can believe, it should be told, but I cannot write a book as I am in misery, I just want someone to care, if I ask for help, everyone says I dont know what to do, or some bad advice, 'everything works out' its been 20 years, they have made it millions of times worse

  5. One of the things I find fascinating and which I'm always trying to work out is this idea of predictive processing — I'm an intuitive person with a better forecasting and situation-reading ability than most and I do believe that part of this comes from absorbing many, many stories and fairytales from a young age. Absorbing archetypes and archetypal constructs really does help us navigate our lives better, I'm convinced.

  6. A story? I would most certainly say "waking dream" — and I mean that _technically_. Each of us walk around with an overtly filtered version of reality. We each have our own little lens that is covered in biases, based on past experiences, and stored in our subconscious. Nothing too profound or novel to add into the conversation so far, but follow me. That personalized inner model of the world may, or may not, reflect reality properly. What do we call an inner model of the world that doesn't reflect true reality? That is a dream by definition — very strict definition. 

    No one wants to hear it, but their little bubble of life is not exactly real. In the wise words of Sadhguru, we are stuck conflating our psychological drama for existentially real life.

    I believe this to be where the eastern traditions get off when they encourage man to "clean their mind" through meditation and other various practices. I am so sorry to say, but there are layers of reality that western religions never come close to discussing — nevermind diagnosing those 'layers' properly. 

    Jordan Peterson, with all of his mystical insights and philosophical wandering is quickly approaching Hinduism. He might not even know it, hard to say exactly.

  7. Perhaps one thing we do when we pray is ask god(s) for a particular role in a particular story. Imagine there are roles out there waiting like swords in stones.

  8. Interesting… this also works the opposite way: you can have good ideas in your head and walk out thinking that you are a reasonable person and will be dealing with other reasonable people… and then run into sociopathic/narcissistic people and/or a society of narcissists who contradict your good ideas/hopes/dreams; this reality in the light of day forces you to "correct" your perceptions of decency and goodness and this is how we become depressed and despairing.

  9. Don’t forget Ingo Swan’s claims that humans have as many as 27-30 senses,rather than just the 5 we are trained to acknowledge. Reality can be pretty overwhelming, if you think about it.

  10. For literal examples of consciousness mapping reality as a story: Homer, Virgil, Dante, Langland, Milton, Blake…come to think of it any epic/prophetic poetry (specifically poetry) in any culture.

  11. 10+ years I listen to JP & I'm most impressed of his modesty of still learning from others! Being such a great intellectual person could easily say I know more & that's it, but he expands his perception constantly through others thus proving to all of us our unlimited potential of self growth & "telling" us we can always grow our self worth as a result~ The perfect example of teaching others by example! Thank you JB for being just you!!

  12. I feel like we are living in some type of simulation similar to how computers take in data and process that information and then create a formula to fix the problems. If you think about human beings, we have people that are spiritually awake and those that are not. Most people awaken spiritually between the ages 40-65. Some children are born spiritually awake. To be spiritually awake is to be able to hear and process spirits ( living thoughts). When you think about what causes something to change, usually the cause is from discomfort or pain. If you associate those two with dark energy, you can see that this is what is the most powerful energy for controlling people and outcomes in the physical world. When you think about human beings that are spiritually awake, you can imagine them as being the computer processors of the spiritual world. When people are struggling or unhappy in life, that pain creates spirits( living thoughts). The spiritually awake people unconsciously process all those thoughts and a plan to create change that will heal people is processed and set into motion. The spiritually awake might be able to communicate with others and control the actions or behaviors of those people. If you think about how google driving direction takes in all the data about traffic and then computes the fastest route, I think that human beings have the abilities to do the same thing by controlling people actions. Another example would be this, if there’s a guy that is spiritually awake, and he has a bunch of people that want to kill him, and he hasn’t done anything wrong, let’s say they were in the same city, the guy had no clue they were after him, because they were very mad and full of dark energy, they are going to be releasing spirits (living thoughts). Then all the spiritually awake people will take in those spirit living thoughts and process them. As the man is going through town, because he’s spiritually awake, his subconscious will guide him out of harms way. Everyone that is not spiritually awake can be controlled subconsciously to create blocks, delays, holdups, so that the bad guys and the spiritually awake guy don’t cross paths with each other, protecting him from harm.

  13. Why do people beat around a bush, when it's burning bright?

    The one who spoke to you in your own dreams was not your own "consciousness".

    You were "fed" by him information, like a piece of "bread", you were given "blood" to "draw" from, to "drink" what it meant.

    There was a time, before the crucifixion, when only certain people had dreams. Only certain people were fed well, & quenched of thirst. But now, everyone gets a "piece", the old & the young.

    This is because that which prevented us from seeing & hearing, was the "fabric", which was "torn away", as a "catch 22", when he was crucified, to have full permission to visit anyone in their dreams.

    The "male & female servants" get a "piece", & "man & woman" get a "piece".

    Who will make peace with this, or reconcile unto Christ, when even the lesser earthly wealth is being used to take advantage?

    Do we cheat to steal, or steal to cheat?

    Who will say "I have done no wrong", wiping their mouths of "bread" & "wine", after having stolen it?

    It's just a game, & we're all still just playing "little League".

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