Consciousness Videos

Cosmic Consicousness, Resonance Psychophysical Fields and the Future of Planetary Evolution

The Chopra Well

Cosmic Consicousness, Resonance Psychophysical Fields and the Future of Planetary Evolution Deepak Chopra & Ervin Laszlo


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11 thoughts on “Cosmic Consicousness, Resonance Psychophysical Fields and the Future of Planetary Evolution
  1. It is important for everyone to know that Deepak chopra, through his meditations, has destroyed six million lives. This guru, through hypnotic sounds and bioneural waves, alters the states of consciousness, taking control of our lives, ruining our lives and health.

  2. No one knows anything, everything is a label made up by humans in their various languages. Just mouth nosies that we use with each other to explain things and live together and survive in society. We need the labels but it's not what things are, everything is unkownable.

  3. "They are watching you… but you are stronger, more powerful than you can imagine, they cannot harm you anymore… you are made of light, you are eternal" This came to my mind while meditating with this music… my heart rate was strong, I started to swing softly… like… vibrating? I don't know… just wanted to share… Love to everyone… specially YOU!

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