Consciousness Videos

Courtney Brown – Remote Viewing, Consciousness and Reality: Part One


Courtney Brown of the Farsight Institute discusses remote viewing and what it is revealing about the fundamental nature of consciousness and reality. The discoveries of quantum physics have been re-writing what we think we know about life, the universe, and everything. The realms being revealed by Remote Viewing are taking us even further down the rabbit hole where the meaning of time, space and matter dissolve, and all physical reality may be merely an artifact of observation.

Topics discussed include: Remote Viewing in civilian and military spheres, mainstream scientific scepticism and bias, telepathy, extra-terrestrial life, forbidden archaeology, quantum physics and holographic reality.

Remote Viewing is a trainable mental procedure that can assist a person in obtaining accurate and detailed information from distant locations and across time. It is a controlled shifting of awareness that is performed in the normal waking state of consciousness. It uses the human nervous system in a way analogous to the way an astronomer uses a radio telescope. Using Remote Viewing, the human nervous system acts as a tuning device that connects us to an underlying field of nature through which knowledge of all things is possible. Remote Viewing does not involve an out-of-body experience, an altered state of consciousness or hypnosis, nor is it a form of channelling.

For a wealth of Remote Viewing information and resources, visit the Farsight Institute website

Many more interviews at

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17 thoughts on “Courtney Brown – Remote Viewing, Consciousness and Reality: Part One
    %= infinity inequality =Money = debt=slavery is known for centuries.

    The universal basic formule to save and free humanity and earth.

    i have thought good about how the monetary systems works.
    i think i found the right solution to change the game / system step by step to a human equality game system that works for humanity and earth.
    The universal basic formule to save and free humanity and earth.
    Im a free human being who is awakened and experience enlightment.
    I believe in freedom and free will.
    i share my awakened mind to explain the enlightment info / data i received.
    My gift is that I'm a free creative visual mind thinker.
    I process information / data in a free visual way = multiply view dimension thinking.
    My life purpose = free human processor to serve and protect humanity and earth.
    My human process name : Modus Recon
    Modus = Mode
    Recon = Reconnaissance
    I use logic + clarity +simplicity + symbols = Creativisme > Secret Geometry
    I know and understand > there is a difference between
    knowing and understanding
    searching and finding
    I know and understand the game / system we are living in on this world.
    Old basic formula = %  > infinity inequality
    I know and understand how to beat and change the game / system.
    New basic formula = ÷  > infinity equality
    (free) Equality =  –
    (free) Infinity  = ∞
    – + ∞ = ÷
    ÷    = i use the number 8 for this symbol.
    I found the right modus solution between evolution and revolution to progress for humanity in peace and harmony.
    Creativisme ÷ critisme
    If you have a creative idea than it must be based on this formule :
    person ÷ humanity ÷ earth
    The creative idea must be progressive equal and good for the person , humanity and earth.
    if the answer is infinity inequality then the idea is invalid and destructive for al the trinity in the formule.
    Goal is to share the info  and data free with all humanity so we can save and free humanity and earth from the old basic formula.
    Free open source game / system > based on equality of freedom and progress > free humanity and earth so we can live in infinity peace and harmony.
    If you understand the message i spread out to help each their for common good of humanity and earth. So we can beat the present game / system and share all our knowledge and resources based on freedom and free will.
    You are not alone.

  2. ▶ Courtney Brown – Remote Viewing, Consciousness and Reality: Part One:  ~Pub Jun 6, 2013
    ▶ Courtney Brown – Remote Viewing, Consciousness and Reality: Part Two:  ~Pub Jun 12, 2013
    ~Seek and ye shall find!@Peta_de_Aztlan
    ▶ Remote Viewing and Quantum Science: d  ~Pub June 26, 2012
    ▶ Remote Viewing with the Former Director of The Stargate Project:  ~Pub June 19, 2012
    LINK: The Farsight Institute | Remote Viewing Nonprofit Research & Education:
    ▶ Controlled Remote Viewing:  ~Pub Apr 11, 2012
    ▶ Jim Marrs – UFOs & Secret US Govt Remote-Viewing Programs:  ~Uploaded on Jan 17, 2012
    ▶ Military Remote Viewing Psychic Training Course:  ~Uploaded Apr 16, 2011
    @Peta_de_Aztlan aka +Peter S. López 

  3. Dear Colleagues,
    Please visit my page for the following:
    Consciousness Research in Medical Sciences
    Google: ircfsnk
    P.S. In my article, “Neurophysics of Self Awareness and Memory” I am not satisfied with my "Definition of Perception". The corrected definition is in new article under review. I shall communicate about it, as soon as it is online.
    Narendra Katkar, (Ph.D, Honorary), Founder-Ircfs: Neurophysicist:
    Google: ircfsnk

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