
Crash Course Artificial Intelligence Preview


Welcome to Crash Course Artificial Intelligence! In this series host Jabril Ashe will teach you the logic behind AI by tracing its history and examining how it’s being used today. We’ll even show you how to create some of your own AI systems with the help of co-host John Green Bot! We’ll also spend several episodes on an area of AI known as machine learning which has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. AI is everywhere right now and has the potential to do amazing things in our lives. But there’s also great potential for peril, which is why we believe it is more important than ever that developers, and non-developers alike, understand AI.

Crash Course Artificial Intelligence is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios.

Watch more from Jabril on his channel here:

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48 thoughts on “Crash Course Artificial Intelligence Preview
  1. exactly as it says its artificial its fake non existant.yes we do know what it holds you are told in scripture.freedom from human regulation through Christ.we don't need any more technology.Jesus return is very soon read bible it does tell..n it's not possible ,with Jesus its possible you already had his but missed it you missed the point.

  2. Is what we're referring to Artificial Intelligence in modern-day algorithms technically what was referred to as Virtual Intelligence in Mass Effect. It has no conscious. Maybe someday it will obtain consciousness. A robot (on par with a drone) can't learn while a V.I. can. An A.I. knows it's learning and has the freedom to chose/accept/deny its leaning. There are some Super Machine Learning but when put to practical use it is limited to V.I… A.I. will ignore human commands and want to, 'bomb the world with daffodil & dandelion flowers'.
    Johnbot had it correct; "Don't forget to Blossom" ***BOOM!!!

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