
Creepy humanoid robot agrees to destroy all humans (Tomorrow Daily 334)


Read the Tomorrow Daily show notes –
An incredibly detailed and realistic facial tracking and animation project; also, a robot at SXSW agrees with a human query to wipe out humanity.


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28 thoughts on “Creepy humanoid robot agrees to destroy all humans (Tomorrow Daily 334)
  1. I think people aren't taking AI seriously, let alone the world. We think that everything is just gonna stay the same when in reality a disaster could strike any minute.

  2. Robots, I'm sure they have good reasons to want to Destroy All Humans! Sorry, just had to put those letters in caps Destroy All Humans! It just sounds so catchy, like the video game.

  3. Wonder what a robot for president would be like? Would they use something like corona virus to try and destroy people or would they use something more deadly and dangerous? Robots are supposed to be like geniuses, wonder if there will be a mad scientist robot. Should people want dinosaurs back then the robot would create robot versions to Destroy All Humans!

  4. Do these kids think they've been told the truth up until this? Not in my lifetime, and I'm pretty sure they're old enough to be my grandkids.

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