Art Theory

Cubism's stages and Pablo Picasso's Three Musicians, 1921

Angela Wescott

This short video describes the basic style of the three phases of Cubism, focusing on the Synthetic style shown in Picasso’s Three Musicians.
Speaker is Angela Wescott, UVU and Snow College


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2 thoughts on “Cubism's stages and Pablo Picasso's Three Musicians, 1921
  1. Pablo Picasso,one of the most famous modern artists,experimented with space by breaking pictures up into distorted&weird shapes,Three Musicians,looks like a muddled-up pictures but the instruments the musicians are playing can be seen.This style is called Cubism.It shows a scene from several different points of view all at once.Modern art is difficult to describe because these days "Anything goes", from a beautiful oil painting to wrapping a building up in fabric or making a picture out of elephant.☺️Some specific styles have emerged&many of these were controversial at the time.

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