Art Theory

Curatorial Clips | Italian Futurism

Fralin Museum of Art at The University of Virginia

Join Matthew McLendon, the museum’s J. Sanford Miller Family Director and Chief Curator, as he gives a brief glimpse into the early days of the first Italian avant-garde movement, Futurism. Italian Futurism burst onto the scene in 1909 under its leader, Filippo Tommasso Marinetti celebrating everything that was new and calling for the destruction of the past. While Futurism’s glorification of technology at all costs, as well as war, seems painfully naïve today, the Futurists’ optimism about “tomorrow” and their insistence on a pan-cultural revolution made them a powerful force within the arts. Futurism’s impact was immediately felt and continues to be seen today throughout art, design, and culture in general.


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