
Daniel C. Dennett – Do Persons Have Souls?

Closer To Truth

Is the ‘real you’ a special substance that is nonphysical and immortal? Most regular people would agree, but most scientists would not. What are you? A body alone that is dead forever once it dies? A soul temporally inhabiting a body? A body unified with a nonphysical entity of some kind? What some theologians think may surprise you.

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Daniel Clement Dennett III is an American philosopher, writer and cognitive scientist and is currently the Co-director of the Center for Cognitive Studies and Professor at Tufts University.

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29 thoughts on “Daniel C. Dennett – Do Persons Have Souls?
  1. Perhaps all knowledge is founded on questions. Every being can have questioned asked about it. If the mind asking the questions is great enough, every question about every being can be answered.

  2. AAh, it is indeed refreshing to listen to this kind of critical thinking output, I love Charles Darwin, he's one of the original surviving members of the "The Four Horsemen" and others still here; Professor Richard Dawkins and the terrific Ben Stiller…Unfortunately the incomparable brilliant polymath Christopher Hitchens is no longer with us.

  3. "Recreating the mistakes of Hume, Mill…." This is like the inverse version of damning with faint praise. I can hardly imagine any thinkers whose mistakes I'd be more proud of recreating, and I think we should keep in mind that modern, phD-educated philosophers disagree on what counts as mistakes by these great thinkers of the past.

  4. Dennett is the guy who suggested that the moniker "brights" should be adopted for those who think like him (materialists who claim to justify their materialism scientifically). Nor did any excess of intellectual modesty weigh down his choice of title for his book Consciousness Explained. And you folks probably thought there was such a thing as the "hard problem" of consciousness, silly you! Turns out Dennett has it all tied up with a neat little bow. Dennett has solved the hard problem! You just have to be as clever as Dennett, then you'll get it and be a "bright" like him!
    In fact the hard problem of consciousness is not just hard, but impossible, because consciousness cannot be derived from matter. And that irreducibility of consciousness does not require dualism, as one might think in listening to Dennett.

  5. You don't have to research every philosopher to know what the mistakes are. You just have to know what the mistakes are. That is why knowledge of fallacies and what makes a correct argument is so important.

    Knowledge of Descartes, or any other philosopher, is not going to teach you how to think. That will only teach you to perpetuate mistakes that you have not identified yet.

  6. He doesn't take precognition into his observations. The brain isn't the controlling entity. It's outside. All philosophical arguments will be silenced and the hypocrites will be ashamed. Hypocrites because they refuse to prove all things and hold to that which is good. The Earth is on foundations and can not be moved. That's eternal truth, and you lose that lie that you thought you had as truth.

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