
Daniel Dennett on William Lane Craig


Following a presentation of theistic arguments by William Lane Craig, Daniel Dennett gives an impromptu appraisal.


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25 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett on William Lane Craig
  1. lane craig is a "used car salesman".

    here are some interesting observations I made while studying lane craig:

    1) both "drcraigvideos" and "reasonablefaith" channels disable comments on all of the videos. why? why not allow for a discussion? atheists never disable comments on their videos.

    2) "drcraigvideos" made multiple false DMCA claims on atheists videos, and as a result, they get taken down, for example thunderfoot's videos. craig is in contact with "drcraigvideos" channel owner. why do this?

    3) neither craig nor "drcraigvideos" respond to these charges and simply ignore them.

    4) craig says he will not debate people without a terminal degree in specific fields, yet runs around debating people in fields he has no terminal degree in himself.

    5) craig used an empty chair to represent Richard Dawkins in a "debate". what the fuck is this?

    this is really fishy. no atheist does that. that's why he earned the title "used car salesman"… he is a liar. and he lies to sell you bad ideas and make money.

    gullible people pay quite large sums buying this crook's books. they think his act is a valid one and that he stands on the same ground as scientists, as if it somehow valides his arguments "look a he debated lots of scientsts".

    spread the word. this crook should be called out.

  2. Dennett's (eventual) attempt at refutation is probably the worst I've ever heard. Abstract objects by definition have no causal powers; only concrete objects can actually affect things in the world. As for "the principle of triangulation", it should be obvious to everyone from his explanation that it wasn't a principle that did the causing, but instead a solid object.

  3. It is not easy listening to Daniel Dennett. It takes him a long time to finish a sentence and to make a point. Way too much silence between words.

  4. Two highly regarded men in their own right and for various reasons. But neither proved their case nor did they give any evidence for their own stance. Honestly, was anyone here convinced and either became a theist or atheist or at the very least an agnostic-theist/agnostic-atheist?
    I enjoy listening to both, but this is a damn good example why debates about a Deity or religion are pointless. All that's being said is strictly opinion whether one believes or not.
    If further debates happens, I'd like to see a requirement added: each speaker has 5 minutes to best explain why their opponent could be right and why. That would make a debate very interesting

  5. I have listened to Craig dozens of times and all I seem to hear is a string of words that grammatically are correct but that's it. Yes, he sounds convinced that his logic works and that his conclusions are well supported but just because your tone of voice mirrors that used by someone presenting a well thought through argument does not mean that your own argument is similarly well structured; it just sounds like it is.

  6. I have listened to Craig dozens of times and all I seem to hear is a string of words that grammatically are correct but that's it. Yes, he sounds convinced that his logic works and that his conclusions are well supported but just because your tone of voice mirrors that used by someone presenting a well thought through argument does not mean that your own argument is similarly well structured; it just sounds like it is.

  7. I don't see how the hypothesis that we're not alone in the galaxy is mind boggling; It's a statistical impossibility that there isn't life elsewhere in the galaxy. The hard part is finding it, but that's not mind boggling.

  8. 11:11am Jun 28, 2019
    CSIRO scientists pinpoint origin of mysterious intergalactic radio sounds in world first discovery
    Australian scientists have pinpointed, in a world-first, the precise location of a mysterious burst of radio waves that originated in another galaxy.
    The combination of hi-tech equipment enabled the scientists to determine the unidentified bursts had come from a Milky Way-sized galaxy 3.6 billion light years away from Earth.
    CSIRO researchers discovered the pulse of energy using a radio telescope in Western Australia and two other telescopes on two continents.

    "If we were to stand on the Moon and look down at the Earth with this precision, we would be able to tell not only which city the burst came from, but which postcode – and even which city block.”
    Fr. Georges Lemaître, a Roman Catholic priest and professor of physics at Leuven, generated what has come to be called the Big Bang Theory.
    Devout Catholic Louis de Broglie – Nobel Prize winner in Quantum Mechanics
    Augustinian monk and pioneer of genetics, Gregor Mendel – Father of Genetics
    Galileo Galilei – Father of Modern Astronomy

  9. …huh? Craig's approach is "counter intuitve?" It wouldnt have been two hundred years ago. I'll be counter-intuitive here and argue that thunder really is Yahweh's voice, just like the Bible says.

  10. Well, well… At least, Craig never flew on Jeffrey Epstein's plane WITH HIM, like you did, Daniel, per verifiable fact. …. that's a fact that is exceedingly disturbing, and deficient of moral compass, as are Jeff's direct liasons with Bill Gates and the CEO of MIT Media Lab, who garnered over 1/2 Billion from him…. and tried to keep it all under dirty wrapping paper….

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