
Daniel Dennett: The Origin and Purpose of Humor (3 of 7)


This is a lecture that the renowned philosopher, Daniel Dennett, gave at my college, the University of Memphis, on November 14. In this talk, titled “An evolutionary/computational theory of humor”, Professor Dennett talks about the origin and purpose of humor from a perspective of evolutionary biology, psychology, and neuroscience. It is based on an upcoming book by Dennett titled “Inside Jokes” that I believe is coming out sometime early next year. Very interesting and funny. I apologize for the jumpiness, I recorded it with my iphone 4.


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8 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett: The Origin and Purpose of Humor (3 of 7)
  1. Count on Dan Dennett to give us insight into yet another eternal mystery: the nature of funny. In the ongoing process of generating anticipations, our brains get stuck in the wrong ones time to time, and it's a hard and costly job to get them out of it. Mirth is a reward system that bribes us to get the job done; we actually LIKE it when we find out our estimation of the situation is hopelessly wrong.
    Simple, plausible, and enlightening.

    Hope you get the next posts on soon, I can't wait!

  2. He included Minsky among his litany of failed (or only partially successful) humor theorists, but so far (not far, of course) this hypothesis is almost identical to Minsky's (Minsky doesn't really stress the reward system aspect, but he certainly implies it).

  3. Sorry guys, I initially tried to upload the whole thing straight from my iphone and youtube rejected it because it was too long. So I split it into segments and unfortunately the 4,5,6 and 7th clips have been deleted.

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