I recorded Daniel Dennett’s keynote speech at the ‘Imagine_No_Religion’ conference in Kamloops British Columbia 2013/05/19. I’ve selected ten minutes worth of snippets from his hour-long presentation to highlight a central message therein. What will be the state of religion in roughly 25 years?
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27 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett's Prediction”
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josephus only gave the opinions of many jews at his time, he had nothing to prove, no one doubted the account, and there are hundreds of flood stories world wide that are similar, see my comment below also
i guess, im in the messianic jew group, i was raised christian but the christians understand the bible from a greek perspective because much of the early culture was based on greek culture, *respectfully* I dont see the flood as flawed but i do see many peoples quick interpretation flawed, the bible was given to us from middle eastern cultures, to understand it a person has to dig into that culture and customs, ancient hebrew had 10,000 words where english has about a million words now cont..
my comments will show up backwards of the order written, the KJV made a lot of assumptions when interpreting the bible that should not have been made, for instance in genesis 1 KJV says whales but most of the definitions for tanniym are huge reptiles, the word for flyers was interpreted as birds, but should have been flying insects (birds and insects are the main two definitions) flyinginsects were the first flyers on earth, most difficulties people have with the bible are because translation
my comments will show up backwards of the order written, the bible has about 2000 fulfilled prophecies, not every one can be verified to happen after written but many can, the "hebrew" order of genesis 1 matches the scientific order, origina tenses are imperfect meaning ongoing, theres an artificial rule that caused KJV to use perfect tense but it gen 1 is written as imperfect, 18 items in hebrew in gen 1 are 1 in 10^15 possible permutations, the translation of the bible did much injustice
there are some good sites if you are open…Gerald schroeder age of the universe(online) science of God(book); hugh ross reasons to believe (fine tuning, odds life, earth) and noahs flood; stephen meyer signature of the cell, peter stoner science speaks (online book) has 12 prophecies odds 1 in 10^59 the only disagreement i have is his treatement that tyre and babylon wouldenever be rebuilt the tense is imperfect meaning the consumation might be for some time
my updates will show up backwards, the biggest reoccuring problem is the original language and translations of the bible into english, earth eretz in hebrew can mean a clump, a yard, a city, a nation, a land mass, this is one of the most reoccuring misunderstandings i see, the original language is the key, here is a good site…Hebrew OT – Transliteration – Holy Name KJV; it has the hebrew, blue letter bible is a good site also, translations are ok for light reading but not serious study
my belief is basically everything science can verify, many scientists often say we will never know how life started..this implies it is highly improbable, YHWH could have set up a system to create life by laws but it doesnt appear to be the case, if it had been it would not disprove the bible, but if it does require intelligence then it does imply an intelligence, i believe all science excpet that YHWH intervened at points where the bible and science agree on the gaps, its the most rational
one more important point, Gen day 4 (job mentions the stars existed before the earth came into being), the word made in gen 1 hebrew is asah and many of the definitions mean to yield or extend ordain etc,that was the period the haze cleared over the earth and the sun reached a plummet in hydrogen but the helium rose and luminosity made a sharp climb, also the moon "might" have been touching the earth theres much debate but theres a large part of the ocean that does appear to be the same elements
create bara def # 4 in strongs lexicon means to transform, many people read genesis KJV really fast and make hard fast rules that contradict the original hebrew, even create in websters can mean to invoke something with a new image, people dont pay attention to detail, its a big problem
*respectfully* first what we do know…there are 18 things in correct order genesis, 6 days above universe and 13.7 billion years here are within 32 decimal places precision, total odds are 1 in 1015 x 1 in 10^32=1 in 10^47, even if a person doesnt believe all the bible..they have to admit theres things beyond coincidence, whether adam knew he had reproductive organs or not we dont know and it seems extreme to throw out the rest of the bible for something that could ahve lots of answers
check out the sites I shared with you, somethings the odds are beyond coincidence, this is a start for you, anyone that confesses to Yeshua that he is Son of YHWH and mary and died and rose and is alive in the flesh will be given eternal life irrevovably, you cant earn it nor be good enough,rom 4 greek says YHWH will ou me aorist subjunctive (not possibly) impute sin meaning its not even possible to ever be accused again, its free and you have nothing to loose everything to gain
*respectfully* land before land animals , i can see, but the rest? were there any other ancient texts with the correct order? how long did it take science to get the correct order?
as you admitted, the hebrew has the correct order, create can mean to transform, since the bible itself presents the possibility then i have to be open to the bible, but i dont think evolution is by chance, YHWH does things passive sometimes, but i dont see the amount of living transitions i would expect to see if evolution were happning on a macro scale, the dead know nothing is the flesh, men are spirit and flesh, YHWH gives everyone a period of time to accept or reject life, freedom of choice
*respectfully* verses in the tenakh speak of the spirit of a man as a candle, by messianic jew..I didnt mean a group of people to fit in, I dont do things that way, in the New Testament, Paul says…test everything and hold to the good…this is one of my main philosophys …Genesis 1 hebrew is in harmony with science..its good; biogenesis and random chance evolution appear statistically unlikely + absence of transition today suggest its not happening now…I go with what works, its truth
dude,why are you trolling with your lies again?
go away!!!!!!!!
we don't want you here
Important thing to note…Evangelicals aren't the only problem. All of the most dogmatic believers are decreasing. But their influence is decreasing more rapidly than their numbers.
As this continues, more and more pressure will build within their "communities" until finally they reach a critical point and violently implode on an unprecedented scale. As they do so, our frail and sensitive global infrastructure will collapse.
They'll make their own apocalypse, one way or another.
and yet they try, all the pretty bodies, all the happy smiles, all the beach party adverts…. oh right, they got sued for those….lol
Nope, Genesis does not occur in the scientific order. The sun was 4.55 billion years before land plants, not a "day" after them.
@ital21 And does this say that the sober is not an idiot?
This makes me happy
1. I love the description of religion as a trap baited with people's desire to be good.
2. I'm sure this has been said before, but Daniel Dennett looks a lot like Santa Claus.
Unfortunately I cannot be as optimistic as Mr. Dennett, first of all the Roman Catholic church aka The Vatican has hundreds of years of retained earnings to live off of even if they start losing money tomorrow. Secondly, even if Mr. Dennett is right about the United States and Canada (where I'm from), the Vatican will still be collecting money from South American countries as well as their newer converts in Africa. My prediction is that the Roman Catholic Church will be much, much, much weaker but still alive in the year 2100. The museum probably will not come for several years after that.
749 millions + 1. They didn't ask me, so count me in.
Advert for the Creation Museum before this video
-classy –AtheismFreesMinds
The none's should not be counted as non believers. They should be counted as believers.