Closer To Truth – Physics of the Observer
Why is an observer a critical part of quantum physics? What does it mean to be an observer? Does the act of observation affect what exists and what happens in the external world?
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at 6:16 we have a collapse of the wave function: the subtitle says "pan sarcasm" š
An observer by nature is one thing observing everything around it on its own just like a camera. Heās also saying that the observer is a conscious being so therefore the observer must be one conscious being living amongst us right here right now in this physical reality? The question is who? And also how do they function on a daily basis and what does that mean for them mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually?
Like consciousness as an epiphenomenon of the 3D structure of the brain as a system?
Thanks! Interesting thoughts. You mentioned that question too: how to deal with the time when there were no humans? Who was making the collapsing? I think too like it was said: why do we think that wave functions had to collapse at that time at all? When our "humans" minds had been opened for "seeing" we started to see things which we are able to see: in collapsed state.
P.S. What if after the observer started to observe, back history had been loaded (like in Delayed Choice experiment) for the macro universe
When wave collapses into particle, is likely the awareness of the observer rather than consciousness that collapses the wave.
Observers have conscious awareness of reality, external and internal. Observers have awareness of reality because consciousness permeates all reality.
The only fundamental that is never reducible and never depends on something else is nothing at all. Nothing is fundamental.
Hard scientists hate Dave Chalmers, but the guy is authentically brilliant. In this short a time, he makes some profound statements, but doesn't flesh them out. He didn't really answer what existed when there were only quantum wave functions but no observers to collapse them. Well, I can answer ā without collapsing the wave function, there could not have a been solid material world. Before conscious observers (if there ever were such a time!) the quantum wave function (in quantum fields) would not collapse; there could be substance. And a major branch of theorists of the observer problem says that an observer must observe the quantum wave to cause it to "collapse" into subatomic particles, which then become atoms, etc., which in fact make up the material world as we know it. So, before there were observers, all that existed were quantum fields expressed as wave functions, but no solid matter in any of the forms our senses perceive. Before observers, energy existed only as potential energy, i.e., quantum fields, but no actual worlds could be brought into existence. When we imagine worlds before people or observers, we are of course imagining them as they would look if we were there to observe them. No one can imagine invisible quantum fields.
Chalmers speaks with his teeth stuck together.
If we don't know about rest and motion, the observer is irelevant.
Icon: The heart
The Mind the Heart and the Conscience
When speaking about the HEART, (soul) as meant in the Gospels we are speaking of a Person [1 Peter 3:4] āBut let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great priceā The heart is the person that represents each and every one the moment of death when the soul exits the body. This is the heart/soul upon which Lord Jesus will restore man āto body and soulā again at His Second Coming according to each person deeds. [Galatians 6:7-8] ā7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
The conscience is known by the Holy Fathers of the Greek Orthodox Church to be ~the mind of our minds~ and it is a gift from God that assures the presence of Gods Will within man without depriving him from his other greatest gift their freedom. All those men and woman from all times that kept their conscience clean regardless of belief or religion they will inherit Paradise! According to the Holy Bible all those who have never heard of Lord Jesus will go to Paradise if they have kept their conscience/Law unsoiled! [Romans 2:14] āFor when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselvesā. The Heavenly Kingdom however belongs to those who were unided with God throught Baptism as delivered the day of Pentecost and throught the therapy of the Church became pure the heart! [Mathew5:8] āBlessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see Godā
Furthermore, man was created so that his MIND (body) to be with his HEART/psyche to be ONE and the same thing. A healthy state of mind preconditions a healthy heart however the heart/soul is ill-begotten and in need of a therapy! [Matthew 15-19] āFOR OUT OF THE HEART PROCEED EVIL THOUGHTS MURDERS ADULTERIES FORNICATIONS THEFTS FALSE WITNESS BLASPHEMIESā.
Lord Jesus did not come to teach philosophically but THERAPEUTICALLY (to cure man from sin to enable him this way back to the presence of God [Mathew5:8] āBlessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see Godā.
Good job, My intuition coupled with personal experiences suggests to me that scientific rigors applied to reductionism must next focus on consciousness objective studies (pan-psychism).
There are a few methodologies that come to mind that bridge across mainstream scientific paralysis which is still resistant to the idea that consciousness is an aspect of, or energy field of universal cosmic dimension:
(1) Documented Group collective efforts,
(2) Theoretical physics – i.e. such as the Resonance Science Foundation, Nassim Harameinās work,
(3) Open Source Public Science such as:
(a) and
(b) Past Life Regression Hypnosis – drug free and
(c) Shamanic guided trips using hallucinogenic drugs
(d) Well documented reincarnation cases:
This is an excellent frontier for experimental furthering understanding. I regard Chalmers approach as cutting edge to rediscover what is next, has probably been known, forgotten-rejected long before and is finally being looked at once more.
Exploring 3(b) above, Past Life Regression Hypnosis, offers many, many opportunities for the explorers to personally experience. Iāve studied several thousand case studies on subject 3(b) and encountered breakthrough repeatable processes that even mainstream science could use to gain greater understanding.
what is the ontology that āhouseā consciousness?
there is only one entity which plays role the observer
Many worlds interpretation tries to get rid of any role for consciousness by denying the collapse of the wave function which is a favorite solution of mine to the measurement problem. However, consciousness sneaks back in when one wants to bring back probabilities to the thing (see Sean Carroll). The version of many worlds that does this is self-locating the observer after a measurement. This is an indexical way to calculate the probabilities in the possibly infinite branches (by the way observers crop up in eternal inflation observations as well). I like many worlds but it also can't seem to expunge that pesky ghost in the machine.
That means that all which was said "was" only an opinion ..
No facts in whole..
but only partially fact and partial knowledge..
In this "conversation"
It was only weak opinions shared and discussed.. based on there opinions about each others opinions..
None of which prove that any of this can be beneficial to others or ourselves ..
Our vocabulary has expressed more in detail but still not improved from the start …
Not saying this discussion was unnecessary ..
Nothing is ..
But still enjoying the fact ..
I know something else š
Omg i farted in bed… it stinks like a rotten egg barn now in my room
So you realize when you make some measurement is not your consciousness that is making the wave function to collapse, right? You know that the entanglement wave function-particles in the environment its the responsible for the decoherence, right?? I mean, you are not thinking that you are forcing the decoherence by some kind of magic or power of your mind, right?
people are just so obsessed w lines in the sand.. conscious or not. Fundamental and irreducible? really? This can be demolished w simple thought experiment.
I have to go w simply the information exchange idea, and the quantity of it. There is no simple sentient or not– as everything, it's degrees. The more information is exchanged (ie: interaction) the resolved things become. Much like a hologram, the whole is in every part, but more info sharpens the picture. This is backed by what I believe Max Tegmark said in his interview when he mentioned the models about dark matter become more accurate when you start from a greater conscious entity' ie: more information exchange
Of course then we're left w the problem of 'internal' vs 'external' and boundaries. Ultimately these dont exist, but we can say there is locality and clustering– nodal information exchanges if you will. The more dense the node, the greater the 'consciousness' and more resolved q states will be.
Why is audio mono
Quantum woo, nothing more.
Polite language fails me.
David coined the phrase "the hard problem of consciousness" …which couldn't be a greater mis-statement if he tried. There is an easy reality of consciousness…after all, that's whats asking the question, it is by necessity the starting point. We have a hard problem of physics.
ā Hi Sunshine, I whole heartedly disagree that consciousness has only been around for a billion years. As I said before our brain is like a TV it receives consciousness as a TV receives it's signals to form a picture. If you can't understand consciousness outside of the brain then you can't understand reality. Consciousness makes every Adam in the universe to form matter by means of energy. May peace an prosperity be with you always.
"āšš¤~ššā¬" …
Thierry-Alain H. Your comments bring me to where I usually land in these conversations. I can only understand these concepts as Indra's Net. I must be a closet Buddhist. I want to identify qualia as the gems within the net, the net being consciousness, the gems endlessly reflecting each other's information.The term "qualia" seems to be having it's own problems in physics circles. The way that it is generally defined is as stated in your comments. That's where I get bogged down with it's ego centricity. I understand that it makes sense to explore the question of who the observer is using this familiar tool of our physicality, senses and thoughts, Zombie or not. But that starts one messing about with psychology, particularly Jung. I think you get closer to my unlearned cogitations towards the end of your comment. There's something about the notion that mathematics is the language of God appeals to me. I just find it satisfying and it speaks to the reliability you refer to. So I'm back to what existed pre sentient beings, like you and your beloved dog, or for that matter pre Big Bang. Because I imagine that there is no such thing as Nothing. What if we just reject dualistic notions of either/or. What if there were random notions of geometric forms floating about unmanifested in timelessness (because time and matter had not yet been invented). And one notion just randomly bumped into another notion creating a "thing" Et voila! Time and matter and this beautiful, maddening universe evolved in never ending complexities. Is that one of those simple, obvious and completely wrong solutions they talk about?
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An observer is a subsystem that can "model" the supersystem in which it's embedded.
In other words, the entire system could be thought to display a degree of self similarity.
Depending on whether one subscribes to environment based physics; or observer based physics, you could say that this definition places limits on the information content of physical universes; or allows an observer based framework where the observer defines 'physicality' within the constraints of its computational structure.
The observer winnows out physics from "Everything": all it can model AND all it cannot model.
"Nothing" is the antithesis of Everything. It's relatively easy to see that the information content of both Everything and Nothing is zero.
Everything could be even posited to be identical to Nothing.
The observer creates Something: real information. Out of Nothing/Everything.
The laws of thought and even a generalised Quantum physics suited to all possible "physical" universes emerge from such a foundation.
This way of looking at empiricism does lead to very unsettling predictions about the role of extremely powerful future computers and the End of Physics as we know it.