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Dean Radin Ph.D. on Consciousness, Parapsychology, and the Observer Effect | Waking Cosmos


Dean Radin Ph.D. is a scientist who has been exploring mysterious anomalies of consciousness for decades. As chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dean has conducted many scientific experiments testing the existence of telepathy, precognition, mind-matter interaction, and other anomalies of the mind. It is a field of study which remains controversial, but as we explore in today’s episode of Waking Cosmos, the evidence for some of these “psi phenomena” is overwhelming. Today Dean and I discuss these effects and consider what they might tell us about consciousness, and perhaps, the nature of reality. Among other topics, we also explore Dean’s experiments probing the observer effect in quantum physics, and the possible role of consciousness in the collapse of the quantum wave-function.

I hope you enjoy this episode of Waking Cosmos. If you would like to support open-minded conversations about consciousness and reality, please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber. Thank you!
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45 thoughts on “Dean Radin Ph.D. on Consciousness, Parapsychology, and the Observer Effect | Waking Cosmos
  1. Have you considered interviewing Tom Campbell ? I cannot recommend highly enough investigating the highly sophisticated model he has produced, fundamentally incorporating consciousness, the emergence of 3D realities including the one we occupy and most intriguingly, their (and our) purpose for existing.

  2. all non realty – 1realty =0 good luck getting positive rezlts . but abuse of yourover abzerbed and pree jugded .teß subject . you killed ever thing you touch ,,stop love . fece it tellyou meke it n

  3. New concepts become targets for the many whose minds are closed. Their positions and expertise are immediately threatened and their reaction is to destroy new thinking. Those with open minds do not carry this agenda. They are willing to listen to a concept that does not sync with their knowledge base. Since change is constant, one must be willing to stay “open” to ideas that sound far fetched. They have a vested interest in blocking new ideas. This has always been the case. So many great concepts have been strangled by the “closed” mind.

  4. So nice to hear Dean right off the bat proclaim direct experience to be the most compelling form of evidence. This still seems debatable, to rank them as such, but compared to the scientific view which discounts direct experience entirely, and coming from a researcher, is a very refreshing perspective.

  5. Forgive my extreme distrust in the moral and ethical intentions of most all scientists in most fields but quantum physicists have been getting dangerously close to my own research and experiments in probability "bending" and manipulations and that leads to other discoveries and confirmations which, quite honestly, as the humanities go, I know I'm not the only one finds mankind stupendously and more often than not disastrously lacking and that's stating it politely. Great video though. =-/

  6. First and foremost there is no "matter", no "particle" at all… so if you think there is, then that is your first hurdle:) The Wave never collapses into a particle, because there is no particle/matter. Truth is you can not set the position of the wave/matter quanta, it will appear differently every time you measure it. It remains nothing but energy, but the measuring or observation, just becomes an event in Time, which is also not matter, but real none the less. The stuff that everything seems to be made of is the particle "property" of the Wave, the same Wave responsible for dark matter and dark energy, with a wave length of 50 billion to 5 trillion light years in wave-length, Infinite Wave Theory. It is so simple a 5 year old can understand it. For instance the wave length of Hydrogen is 486 nano-meters… I am suggesting a wave that is 50 billion to 5 trillion light years in wave length. "We" are just not thinking big enough:) Big bang is fraud, religion, and it is keeping us from realizing the truth:) Infinite Wave Theory is where it's at:)

  7. Wow, I remember Dr Dean Radin, way back to the science documentary on cutting edge astrophysics .. “ what the bleep “..It’s a long hard journey to continue to research fascinating interests that have no “ mass consumer value “.. oh well ! Keep up the good work ! They scoffed at all the other great science discoveries as well. 👁✨🌊💫 Carry on !!

  8. Telepathy is real and if people scientists study it and quantum physics there is a connection. Imagine that everything is connected. String theory. I see it as the nuron connection. Everything comes from the same one thing its now just spead out. Wifi works with out a connection of wires. Just find the connection medium and you find everything. Two people miles appart. Just forget the distance think as if two selfs are joined together and telepathy happens. Distance matters not.

  9. A couple things:

    1. PSI may not be related to consciousness, it could just be subconscious brain activity that’s involved

    2. PSI may not be nonlocal. It’s possible it involves a yet undiscovered quantum field like inflatons or dark matter

  10. I have been waves of possibility for all eternity, not actually an I until I heard this interview today and instantly collapsed at it's brilliance. Thank you for these amazing interviews.

  11. Anyone that says psi isn't real or violates physics is just repeating dogma, just look at what the CIA, Military Intelligence just name 2 were doing with it for 20+ years,they had people looking into and using psi in a covert fashion. They employed people using their brains to see events and places, now as far I know we humans are subject to the laws of physics no mater what we are doing. If I am wrong please tell me how.

  12. As to presentiment…

    Why not do a study of all cancelled plane tickets and compare the percent of tickets cancelled or no shows to planes that crash and those that don't? You could do the same study on trains, buses, etc…

  13. I've had a few precognitions in my life and it took a long time before i learnt that they weren't me. It is as though i was picking up someone else's emotions at a given time and i just assumed they were mine.

  14. I listen to every single Dean Radin I can find.

    And you sir asked some of the most insightful and interesting questions of any host in a long time. It’s very clear that you came into this interview very prepared, well read and most importantly curious.

    Most excellent work!

  15. Is telepathy Real?? ……….. Another angle is demonstrated in – 'The Human Survival Blueprint' – A free PDF via – Ven Bunce dot com

  16. Traditionally, yogis would go to the forest or mountains where predators were quite plentiful. When i was staying in a cave in the Indian foothills of the Himalayas, i regularly saw leopards. One Tibetan nun saw a leopard up close one morning while fetching water. A villager was eaten by a leopard in the next valley whilst I was there.
    Distractions probably used to be more dangerous than smartphones.

  17. You probably already know of these names and have probably already thought of this but I'd recommend guests such as Loyd Auerbach, Julie Beischel, Stephen A. Schwartz, Jim Tucker, Tom Campbell and Jim Matlock just to name a few. For everyone else reading this who don't know who these people are or what they've done in the field, DuckDuckGo is your friend.

  18. Hi Adrian. Do you know of any telepathy experiments in which one person simply writes down words or sentences that are telepathically communicated by another person? Experience tells me that if I'm in a room with the right person, then I can convey words to them via subvocalizations. Of course the skeptics would assume I was blinking in Morse code or something, so that's an issue. Surely this obvious approach has been attempted under controlled conditions. What are your thoughts? Thanks!

    By the way, could you link that talk you mentioned @42:00? I didn't see it in the description.

  19. My son turned out to be a seer, like myself.
    Meaning we see things before they happen. This can be from minutes to months or years in some cases. I've always had it and was told about it at a young age. Grandma would say l had the gifts😄 l would predict future events, get up to phone, knowing who it was too. Much stronger when children were young. I've started again, pure curiosity.
    Lol, son knew l wasn't talking garbage when he come home on the Friday night after work. Eye's sticking out? He told me about being surrounded by fire, but he wasn't scared.
    Machine parts they made, he said how the floor created most flames.
    Years of oil.
    Following Monday morning, he left and was home half hour later. Place had literally melted, he said. Firemen couldn't do anything but control it. So he learned to take notice and be able to chill and get message.😊
    Grandma also said everyone is capable of doing this..
    Practice remembering thought in brain when your ears start ringing.
    Or first person you thought of.
    Meditation and spirit running, spinning chakras starting at root.

  20. In his book "Dimensions, A Casebook Of Alien Contact," Dr. Vallee includes the following passage from Jerome Cardan via his father Facius Cardan regarding an encounter on August 13, 1491, when he "recorded his observation of seven strange visitors" who, "when he questioned them as to the cause of the universe they were not agreed. The tallest of them denied that God had made the world from eternity." He continued — and this is the salient point — "On the contrary, the other added, He created it from moment to moment…"

    I believe the what we experience is exactly that: a moment by moment series of perceptions, which we accept as our lives, our existence. Eastern (religions) mysticism translates the experience as "illusion," which I regard as distracting from the simple truth of it being perception. The illusory aspect comes into play with regard to there being no objective reality outside of our individual perceptions.

    Quantum Physics suggests the same in that without an observer, probabalistic wavefunctions never collapse into what we would perceive as an experienced perception, whether through our senses or through a detector, which must also necessarily be interpreted by those same senses. In that case, there is nothing but perception to register within our minds.

    Our minds then are our ultimate essence and nothing else, as our perceptions of our bodies and everything else with which we interact are just that — perceptions. This corresponds nicely to western religious admonishments that we are "made in God's image," in that God is non-material spirit, or asomatous in nature, as are we. Asomatous is word that simply means non-material, but is less widely known or used and has less baggage than the word "spirit" or "spiritual," but basically has the same connotation. We are, then, Asomatous Self-Aware Consciousness, or ASACs to use an acronym.

    The concept of Occam's Razor suggests that the simplest theory with the fewest assumptions is most generally correct, which leads me to the following query: which is simpler — that God created the universe and all the myriad particles within it, set it all into motion and from it we evolved to the point we could ponder it, or, that God (primary consciousness) partitioned off bits of consciousness and "from moment to moment" all that is conscious (which it would seem is necessarily everything) experiences perceptions we interpret as our selves and our lives.

    To the extent that technology experienced through our perceptions has developed CGI, or computer-generated imagery to the point that it is indistinguishable from live action (Transformers, Avatar, The Matrix, et al, ad infinitum), I posit it is the "Best Evidence" to support my position. If WE are able at this point to create "virtual" experiences that are seamlessly interchangeable with reality, how much of a leap is it, in fact, to consider that perception is all there is?

    It's really nothing more than eastern mysticism 2.0, in language more understandable to 21st century minds, without the need for tortuous translation. 
    If I were asked what to refer to it as, I would call it "Observism," in deference to Quantum Physics' demand for an Observer, the very same observer for which objective, reductionist 'science' is completely impotent to explain (Re: David Chalmers — "the hard problem").
    Einstein is quoted as saying, through translation, "Reality is an illusion, albeit a stubbornly persistent one." 
    Max Planck said, "Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve."

    I think both men are correct and that these statements do not conflict with one another. Further, I think that these statements add validity to my position.
    If you openly consider this possibility, it provides an avenue usable to exploring spirituality from a more objective stance. For instance, thinking about the concept of miracles, if all that truly occurs is a change in our perception, how hard would it be to do? I don't think it takes away from the impact of the miracle, but adds an additional worldview from which to consider it. It may also be instructive as to the point to which we are — yes, I believe we are — evolving. After all, IF there is a God (Primary vs. secondary consciousness, which is what I consider us to be), is it not also logical that we will evolve into an existential experience wherein which we evolve to the point that we will also begin to partition other consciousnesses from ourselves, to emulate our prime example in a fractal-like manner? Could our offspring be a clue?
    Thank for your perception of the time it took for you to read it.

  21. Why do Western scholars & studies ignore or skirt the philosophies established in ancient India that have distinctly spelt out all unraveled questions along these lines with clarity and incontrovertibly? They were developed in times when the mind was less muddled, less deluded and less consumed with the self. You shouldn't put on your mental brakes in the name of religion because this stuff is not religion but was tagged as such by European "scholars" over the last couple of centuries.

    Most Western researchers are quietly these Eastern truths to then try and build theories scientifically around them to then try and test them in the lab.

    One guy who gives Eastern studies its due is Dr. John Hagelin. metaRising should watch his Youtube videos and perhaps pose him the same questions you are posing Dean Radin.

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